OGSA Telecon, 5 October 2006 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan Duane Merrill Hiro Kishimoto Donal Fellows Jem Treadwell Dave Snelling Abdelsem Djaoui Chris Jordon Alan Sill Takuya Mori Andreas Savva * Telecon Minutes Approval (28 Spet. 06) - Approved, no comment * New Action Items AI-1005a: Alan Sill to have draft Charter ready before next security telecon (Dave to help and only as stand in for new area director). AI-1005b: People to send Dave Snelling more information, ideas for more security calls to complete coverage * Action Item Review - AI-0925a, Hiro to set up WIKI page -- Done - AI-0925b -- Jem has worked on quite a bit. Expects to be done by Monday. - AI-0921i -- On todays Agenda, so close - AI-0915b and c -- To be resolved on next to next Monday, keep open - AI-0915f -- On Monday, agreed to have meeting room at IBM facility, still waiting on hotel information. * Agenda Bashing * Review Security Actions * What is the best low hanging fruit to attack - Authentication? - Do we want to narrowly profile SAML for point to point authorization? -- Next step to be delegation - What use cases should we consider? - What other profiles for authentication should we look at? -- SAML? -- X509 Varient in which we conote identify with regards to WS-Naming (EPI) -- Federation of identity --- There are people solving this problem and we shouldn't re-invent --- SAML - What in the OGSA use case space. If you plan to federate identity. - If your site has user name password, how do you federate that - One of the nice things about SAML is that you can have assertions that consolodate authentication domains. -- You may not have to have an X509 for that username/password - Equally important is authenticating the service to the user. - Need Auth Working group. - Shibolith -- You still need a source of identity (X509, or something) - Auth Schemes -- X509 -- Kerberos -- Member Integrated Credential Service --- AD, LDAP, etc. - WS-Trust falls short of the mark - Seems optimistic to say that Shibolith does Auth, but it's being looked into seriously. * BoF - Need to start preparation for a BoF - Alan Sill willing to take responsibility for pushing the process for getting a charter ready - AI-1005a: Alan Sill to have draft Charter ready before next security telecon (Dave to help and only as stand in for new area director). - Do we need more covereage if we have an active authorization and authentication working groups -- No, we need more covereage -- AI-1005b: People to send Dave Snelling more information, ideas for more security calls to complete coverage --- Two weeks from today is the next security call. * Next Output - Charter for Authentication working group * Security Profile Update - No progress for todays call - Need to check status of WS-I documents - Secure Channel Profile on next telecon * Agenda for next security - Review Actions - Review status of BoF (charter) - Review status of secure channel profile