OGSA Roadmap Editors call Minutes, Oct 4, 2006 Attendees: Chris Jordan, Hiro Kishimoto, Dona Dickinson Discussion of new "Web Services context" section provided by Mike Behrens Hiro expressed some concern about tying the OGSA standards work too closely to the WS standards, particularly with regard to the graph. Action: Chris will talk to Mike Behrens about massaging the language of the web services context section Hiro will provide some possible alternative charts from previous presentations. (Action completed Oct 5) Chris asked for confirmation of the changes to the OGSA Security Profile, as the current draft has a Basic Secure Profile document and an "anonymous channel" document. Hiro confirmed that the anonymous channel document has been dropped, and a BSP-Core document added. Action: Chris to e-mail Takuya Mori and request descriptions and current schedules for the two OGSA secure profile documents. (Completed Oct 5 We discussed cleaning up the wiki, making a few minor changes to reflect the various document title changes, as well as additions and deletions. The "Attributes used in OGSA Auth" document has been published as a GFD, and the name changed to reference OGSI instead of OGSA. Also, the DMI document status is listed as "no change", but there was no previous status to change, so we need an initial status and description to leave unchanged ;-) Actions: Dona will update DMI and Authz status on wiki (Done Oct 4) Dona will ask Michele Drescher for more info (Done Oct 5) Chris reported on having changed the document significantly to conform to the new OGF template. Hiro pointed out that the new template does not include the trademark section, which is definitely needed in this and other OGF documents referring to OGSA. Action: Hiro will double-check with the OGF editor to request clarification on this issue with the template. (done oct 5) Chris brought up the fact that there are still several documents for which we do not have the necessary information to complete their Roadmap entries, and pointed out that at some point we would need to move forward with or without input from the document authors. Hiro proposed that plan B should be to just extract information from the draft document abstracts or introductions as necessary, and Chris proposed just not including schedules for documents that we don't get schedules from the authors or from other sources for. Editing Actions for Chris: Continue updating document status information as we can get it from the authors Begin extracting document descriptions from draft abstracts Create generic text explaining the lack of clear schedules for some documents, Add Hiro's chart showing OGSA document structure to Section 2.