OGSA Teleconference - 2 October 2006 ==================================== * Participants Alan Sill (TTU) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Chris ? Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Mark Morgan (UVa) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Paul Strong (eBay) Regrets: Tom Maquire (EMC) * Minutes: Michael Behrens, Andreas Savva * Minutes for Sept 25 Approved, without modification * Minutes for 28th being worked. * Summary of Actions (only items with updates are listed below): AI-0925b: Got EGA from Paul, still working. AI-0925d: Close AI-0925e: Discuss more off-line (rough draft needed next week). AI-0925g: Keep Open - try to get in touch with Tom. AI-0921b: Keep Open - need security AD AI-0921c: Keep Open - HPC interop content can be leveraged AI-0921i: Keep Open - Next Thursday Call - in agenda. AI-0914a: Keep Open - will discuss at next EMS meeting AI-0914f: Received Double Tree Guest Suites Tampa Bay hotel info 3050 North Rocky Point. Need office location for meeting. Ellen has room for that date (9-10 Nov) AI-0913a..g: EMS (Skipping discussion) AI-0907b: Closed AI-0907c: Closed Additional Actions: 1. Skipped: EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases. 2. Working: - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. * Presentation: Information/data modeling XQuery (Ellen, 30 min) - Ellen presented slides on XQuery Example: o Tools support newer version of XQuery. Oxygen XML alterative brought up. - Collections need to be discussed in more detail: Span multiple organizations. - XQuery supports full name space and types (schema) - Jay suggest the use of functions - Chart 9: find me a top level resource (cluster or machine) - Chart 10: find me a resource anywhere that satisfies the need. "/*" is key difference between 9 and 10. - Michel's text shown with function example (posted to list). o Cleaner looking and also capable of merging o XQuery is much like a scripting/programming language * Security issue discussion on downloaded job xml - needs to be explored more o XML query added to job document - this is the next step - Discussion on if a requirements XML document could be constructed with powerful comparative expressions and at same time avoids the XPath expressions/joins on collecting input documents? Perhaps just the relevant subset of a query in job. - Agreed to discuss more in second hour on Next Call - Oct 19th * Separation of service/info model - Postponed * BES Appendix Discussion (Ellen/Mark) - Discussion on removal of BES Spec appendix. Mark to talk with Andrew tomorrow and will check with BES WG on intro section. This will be discussed further on next BES Telecon or via mailing list - Options Discussed and consensus is: OGSA publishes container model as a separate informational document w/BES review. It would be less specific than BES.