OGSA Teleconference - 28 August 2006 ==================================== * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Jay Unger (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC) Jem Treadwell (HP) Alan Sill (Texas Tech) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Tom Maguire (EMC) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Minutes: Jem Treadwell * August 21st minutes approved with no changes * Action items review [Only items with updates are listed below.] - AI-0821a: Hiro to talk to Jun and CDDLM group about EGA & CDDLM comparison proposal. This action has been completed; closed. - AI-0821b: Hiro to talk to Jem about EGA & OGSA glossary comparison. This action is complete; Jem will do the comparison for GGF18. Closed. - AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and start a discussion on how they handle data: - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled - how transfers are modeled - how files are advertised - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) Jay said the he will try to do this before the post-GGF18 OGSA f2f. Action continues. * Basic security profile review Takuya proposed to postpone this to thto September 7 call. Hiro & Frank can make it; Hiro will reschedule. * Proposal for a new metadata alement in the EPR Frank said that the EPR currently does not include portType info about the service, and asked for thoughts about adding it as metadate. Tom said that the early intent of WS-Addressing metadata was to convey binding info such as this. This would be a profile that says one might expect to find this metadata in the EPR. Hiro: Would this be an addition to the WSRF B/P? Tom: Don’t know; it’s not WSRF-specific. It could be in any profile; I think others would welcome it. Frank: We just want a standardized convention that we could put it in there. The security profile shouldn't necessarily require it; but it would make it easier to find the association. Tom posted the following related link: www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/pdfs/IEEE-WS-Addressing_Metadata.pdf Agreed that Frank’s proposal has interest – the next step is to write a proposal discussing the benefits and a use case, and how to move it forward. *** Action AI-0828a: Frank will do more investigation, read the paper, and make a proposal. * September F2F update - Ravi has been added to the attendee list (provisional). - Mike Behrens will host the group for a BBQ at his home (thanks Mike!); Hiro will open a zoomerang survey to guage attendance. - Fred said that Friday pm is good for the info modeling session; Hiro is still adjusting the schedule. * OGSA authorization call-out proposal review - Frank said the only discussion possible today was to review the minutes [posted to the mailing list by Hiro on 8/28]. Frank asked Takuya for clarification of the item labeled "How to define service I/F of applications." Takuya clarified, and there was some discussion. Takuya will update the minutes with the clarification, and pass them to Andreas to combine with the second part of the minutes. *** Action AI-0828b: Takuya to update the Auth-Z proposal minutes and pass them to Andreas. * Other business - Tom said that we need to schedule a discussion for BaseFaults & BES work. WSRF B/P 7.1 is not prescriptive enough; needs some discussion. Hiro will schedule this for discussion on the September 7th telecon. - Jem asked the status of the OGSA WSRF Basic Profile and other completed but unpublsihed documents. *** Action AI-0828c: Hiro to check status of documents submitted to the GGF editor.