OGSA Teleconference - 14 August 2006 ==================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * No minutes approved - August 10 minutes not available * Next call - Information Modeling and Common EMS/Data scenarios are the main topics. - Ellen will review decisions and if there are questions will also give more details about other options considered. - Ellen will upload material to gridforge today. - Andreas will include links to Ellen's material in the agenda. - Chris will forward the agenda to the GFS list and also remind Dave Berry about the common scenarios discussion * OGSA Roadmap review - Chris has uploaded an edited version of the Roadmap document. Edits mainly to bring it up to date and to make it less dependent on developments relating to other specifications. - Also added information modeling documents; deleted obsolete entries, etc; - Consensus that these are good edits. - Is the Information Modeling document intended to be normative or not? - If it is intended to summarize what is described normatively in other documents then it should be non-normative. - Ellen's main concern is with making sure it can be implemented and can also be used by other bodies. In that sense a normative document may be better. - Agreed to revisit the issue of document type in a larger group; it is not critical at this point. - It is not necessary to capitalize "Service Oriented Architecture" - Is it important to change "Global Grid Forum" to "Open Grid Forum"? - Agreed to leave it for later; guidelines on what to do (e.g., copyright notices should say available soon). - Delete "Informational Profile" section? - Agreed to leave as is since this is a category defined in the Profile Definition. - Chapter 7 - Liaisons - needs updating - Review and confirm assignments; is all the work listed here still current? - Ellen will provide some updated material to Chris. - Update EGA connection; what happens to the EGA TCs and what is the relation of that work with OGSA? - There is call scheduled with some members of the EGA TC (reference model) next week and this question could be raised there. - SCRM description also needs update. The best person to talk is Hiro. - Chapter 8: Also need to contact the open source projects again and confirm that the paragraphs describing their activities are accurate. - Mike will contact Keisuke Fukui and update the ACS entry. - Why is the WSRF BP listed in the Appendix on the wiki? - It was one of Hiro's suggestions but it is not clear (nobody could recall) what the main motivation for this was. It was not just that the document was published already. - How should already published documents with ongoing revisions be treated? - One idea is to include the published version in the table of each document section together with the work-in-progress. - The official schedule for the Roadmap 1.1 was to submit it for public comment by GGF18. It will likely slip, but the plan is still to submit it to the Editor in September. - There is a bi-weekly call (Wednesdays). Interested people are welcome to join. - How are referenced specification updates handled? Should individual contributors use the spreadsheet? - The spreadsheet is still used. Andrew Wang is working on moving it to a relational db. - Individuals should send updates to Dona / Chris who will update the spreadsheet