OGSA Teleconference - 26 June 2006 ================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (EMC) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Susanne Balle (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * June 22 minutes approval postponed - no quorum * Action review - Jay will contact Platform (Chris Smith) and Condor (Miron Livny) to get feedback on pros / cons of the two rendering approaches (postpone until June 19) - Jay is waiting for material from Miron. * OGSA 1.5 review ** Architecture - Reviewed changes for monolithic issue. - Remaining issues from Geoffrey Fox comments will probably be answered separately. Andreas is talking with Dave S. - Other minor changes to update References per Jem's comment. ** Glossary - Reviewed consumer/producer and agreed to delete the definitions since they do not add anything beyond the normal English meaning of the words. - WS-Notification status is still proposed; leave the comment in until the final draft is put out - WSRF status needs update ** Next step - Andreas will confirm with Dave S about the rest of the comments and then send out final drafts for Architecture and Glossary. * Other documents - WSRF Basic Profile expected to be published soon (finished GFSG review) - Basic Security Profiles finished public comment and now in Author review. * New gridforge - The new gridforge is still not allowing users to put in comments to documents under review. - 'Copying' a document in the old gridforge created a hard link; in the new one it is a separate copy. Andreas had to delete all the working drafts that were linked under the Root folder for convenience. He will put together a summary wiki page to current drafts. - Jem is thinking of keeping track of a document state on the wiki (e.g., draft, public comment, etc). This relates a bit to the Roadmap but is smaller scale; just for the OGSA-WG products. - WG front page needs customization, e.g., move links under "Group Information." - Andreas has linked the public calendar into the OGSA forge site and will be announcing it on the list. * GGF18 planning Based on the current work of the group the main topics should be Information Modeling and EMS. Proposal worked on the call is for 4 sessions and an option for a one day F2F, if necessary. - Information modeling: Two back-to-back sessions (90 minutes each) - Info-Model has an overlap with a number of other groups but it is probably better to keep the discussion within one group (OGSA) for now. - The first session on basic information modeling and the next on its relation/application in other groups (BES/JSDL/RSS). - EMS (Scenarios, CDL, etc): One session (perhaps 45 minutes) - OGSA and EGA reference architecture: One session - With the new OGF it may be worth to start discussing how the EGA work fits in. - Need to confirm contact with the (ex-)EGA TC - (Paul Strong was the previous contact but it looks like he is not involved anymore) - Other topics depending on the July F2F results so a 'placeholder' session might be needed if we have to submit requests by July 7. - Option for a back-to-back F2F. - Not clear if it will be necessary - A couple of possibilities for facilities are IBM (Jay) and Northorp Grumman (Pete Ziu) but confirmation is needed. ACTION: Hiro to confirm contact with (ex-)EGA TC