============================================================================== ACS Teleconference Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date and Time: Jun 5 Mon 20:00 EDT / Jun 6 Tue 9:00 JST Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) - minutes Peter Ziu (Northrop) Michael Behrens (R2AD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Role call, note taker & time keeper, agenda bashing. 2. ACS convergence at the OASIS SDD TC. As Tom posted, the SDD TC concluded that it will try to keep alignment with GGF standards, including ACS, JSDL and CDDLM. My idea as a ACS-WG is to keep providing ACS information to them to make sure SDD covers our needs and requirements, then after it is finalized, we can reorganize our specification to have better alignment with it. My expectation is the change to the ACS 1.0 spec. is at a level of name change in the schema rather than hashing the entire structure of AAD document and no impacts on ARI, the repository interface. The migration of the existing implementations of ACS 1.0 should be easy and start after the formal revision of ACS 1.0; that would happen no earlier than 1Q, 2007. All of the SDD TC Document are open to public through the below URI: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/documents.php?wg_abbrev=sdd You must set a large number for "Number of Documents" field to see whole set of documents. Sorting by column is available on the page. 3. Submission of the final ACS Spec. 1.0 after Public Comments We have finished revision of the document, in response to the public comments collected. The resulted document is uploaded the tracker below: https://forge.gridforum.org/tracker/index.php?aid=1696 We also made replies to comments on the public review tracker: https://forge.gridforum.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=592 Editor Tracker: https://forge.gridforum.org/tracker/index.php?aid=1696 We expect that it will go through the process soon. 4. GGF17 session and plan for GGF18 I participated several sessions including BES, OGSA at GGF17. No ACS sessions. We anticipate at GGF18 in September to cover reference implementations update including NAREGI PSE, and Business Grid. Mike mentioned making use of open repositories to hold implementation code. 5. Updates Tom is retiring from IBM on June 9th. He will be sending his resignment notice of ACS-WG co-chair. At this moment that we have finalized our ACS Spec. 1.0, we don't need to fill his position immediately. (Tom's resignment notice was posted to acs-wg on Jun 8.) 6. Wrap up, Next meeting(5 min) From now on, we will focus on the reference implementation related activity, including research/supporting work or recruiting the new projects . Next meeting was not scheduled. Seperate notice will be posted on demand.