OGSA Teleconference - 1 June 2006 ================================= * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (EMC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Donal Fellows (UoM) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Minutes: Andreas Savva * May 25 teleconference minutes approved with no changes * Basic Security Profile public comments status - Some comments received from Von Welch - The public comment period runs to June 20. * Review of Action Items (Only items with updates are listed.) - The chairs to send out what registration is needed to enter ANL for the F2F. - Hiro has sent a mail to the list with details on how to register. - Ian has booked the meeting room. Also a block of rooms has been reserved at the Argonne Guest House. - The group will split the cost of refreshments. Jay will talk with Steve Tuecke if it's possible for someone coming in from the outside to pick up coffee etc. - No security session at the F2F since Frank is on vacation. - Andreas to ask CDDLM (actually Jun, Hiro) for the corresponding CDL documents - Email sent. (Closed) - Check whether CDL documents are available at next document review. - Andreas will talk with the ACS chair and draw up a first draft of interaction for review. - Working on draft scenario. (Closed) - Check draft scenario at next document review. - Donal to refine step 1 and 2 to show the RSS interaction - Donal to change the source/target urls in the JSDL example to use remote resources. - Draft received. (Closed) - Andreas will merge in new draft. Check at next document review. - Jay will contact Platform (Chris Smith) and Condor (Miron Livny) to get feedback on pros / cons of the two rendering approaches - Jay is following up. He has a meeting (6/12) with Miron and will arrange to get some feedback; but probably not by next call. - Darren/Andreas will take the Modeling position paper and discuss it within the JSDL-WG as well From April 24 call - No JSDL call yet. - Frank to write up and send to the list a one page summary of the authorization call-out proposal. - Today's agenda item. * OGSA authorization call-out proposal review - Frank submitted a proposal to the XACML group. They discussed it and decided to follow a different approach. Frank forwarded an email describing the XACML group's decision. - (The SAML profile defines the format on the wire when the request is remote. The local case is considered internal and left up to the implementation.) - Frank is now consulting with people in GGF (David Chadwick, Von Welch) on whether his approach can be defined within the AuthZ group. If there is no agreement then he will accept the XACML group's decision. - Review status again on the June 15 teleconference. * OGSA document schedule review (Hiro 30 min) - Reviewed Hiro's proposal. Agreed to all changes with the following amendments: - BSPs - move expected publication date to August - Guidelines document: fix typo 2000-07 -> 2006-07 - Agreed to delete the Information/monitoring document since there is no plan to work on this now. * Architecture 1.5 status - Document came out of public comment with no comments. Two minor comments since. - Andreas has received permission from Geoffrey Fox to use his presentation from the GGF17 panel as a public comment. He will post a link to it and review it separately. - Also a small number of people have been asked to review the document but there are no positive replies yet. - Discussed what to do if no more comments are received. Agreed that since this is a minor revision a second round of public comment is not necessary. The group will make whatever minor changes are needed and submit the document to the GGF Editor. - The glossary has more comments but it expected that if no other comments are received the documents can be revised and re-submitted in June.