OGSA Teleconference - 25 May 2006 ================================= * Participants Donal Fellows (UoM) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Steven Newhouse (OMII) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jay Unger (IBM) Apologies: Hiro Kishimoto Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions ACTION: The chairs to send out what registration is needed to enter ANL for the F2F. ACTION: Andreas to ask CDDLM (actually Jun, Hiro) for the corresponding CDL documents ACTION: Andreas will talk with the ACS chair and draw up a first draft of interaction for review. ACTION: Donal to refine step 1 and 2 to show the RSS interaction ACTION: Donal to change the source/target urls in the JSDL example to use remote resources. * Telecon minutes (May 22): approved with no changes * Action Items: No updates * OGSA-WG Summer F2F meeting Discussed and confirmed the choice of location (Chicago, ANL) and dates (July 17-20). - Expecting participation of Globus and Univa representatives. - Steven Newhouse cannot attend in person (Grid School). EMS discussion is set for Tuesday morning, which is good as it allows him to dial in. - DMTF alliance meeting: Ellen has arranged for the GGF meetings to be on Thursday so she can participate in the F2F until Wednesday. - Everyone intending to participate should send passport details to ANL. US citizens are better off sending their details also as it speeds the entry process. ACTION: The chairs to send out what registration is needed to enter ANL for the F2F. - Agenda corrections: - "GGF18 planning" on Thursday * EMS scenario discussion - Andreas sent out updated draft before the call. - Where do licenses fit in this scenario? - Scenario is intended to work out relationship between JSDL and CDL, so licences are not a part of it. (Could deal with them in a number of different ways: reserve/allocate before installing the software. Floating licenses might mean no delay at installation but cause a wait at runtime) - BLAST may not be appropriate example - The text is already changed to empasize that BLAST is an example. Better suggestions welcome. - There are 3 empty sections where the CDL should go. It is not necessary to have the entire component definitions, just the top level document. - ACS interaction should be added (separate scenario). Some points where it should fit in have been highlighted. The plan is to have a first draft of the entire scenarios document (up to and including cddlm interaction) by the July F2F and review it with the intention of submitting to GGF as an informational document. ACTION: Andreas to ask CDDLM (actually Jun, Hiro) for the corresponding CDL documents ACTION: Andreas will talk with the ACS chair and draw up a first draft of interaction for review. ACTION: Donal to refine step 1 and 2 to show the RSS interaction ACTION: Donal to change the source/target urls in the JSDL example to use remote resources. * OGSA document schedule review Deferred since no proposal was sent to the list.