OGSA Teleconference - 22 May 2005 ================================= * Participants Dona Dickinson (Northrop Grumman) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Darren Pulsipher (EMC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions ACTION: Jay will contact Platform (Chris Smith) and Condor (Miron Livny) to get feedback on pros / cons of the two rendering approaches ACTION: Darren/Andreas will take the Modeling position paper and discuss it within the JSDL-WG as well * May 18 Minutes approved with changes - Delete Dona Dickinson from the participants list. * GGF17 minutes (EMS, Information Model) approved with no changes * Review Action Items: No changes in status * OGSA-WG Summer F2F meeting - July 17 at Chicago (ANL) seems to be the best choice - Strong preference for a 3 1/2 day meeting - Is there an agenda or list of topics identified? Hiro has received a number of requests already and will put together a list. - It is the same week as the DMTF Alliance week. Ellen is trying to arrange for the GGF activities to be at the beginning or end of the week - Marvin Theimer can only make Monday * OGSA telecon schedule Hiro sent out telecon schedule proposal. Identified topics and divided by day making them more convenient to main participants for each topic. Minor changes made for the following US holidays: - May 29 is Memorial Day: no call - July 4 is Independence Day: no call on July 3 and move agenda to July 10 An OGSA-WG google calendar has been setup and is now being tested by a small group. Expect invitations to be sent out to the list in the near future. * OGSA Information Model - Information Modeling in OGSA - Position Paper https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Info_Model_position_paper - BES Information Model https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/BES_info_model - These are the same versions that were discussed at GGF17. - Fred also requested feedback by email for guideline document. - Andrew has put the table of elements in the BES document (with no rendering). The main issue discussed was the difference between the approach proposed for a (minimal/)general element that can be used to express pairs, with the value part being typeless VS extension using an xsd:any and defining a schema. - (See also minutes of GGF17 and April 27.) - There has been experience with both approaches - Difference is relying on explicit typing vs convention; and checking types when validating vs matching time (fail in a subtle fashion) - Discussed whether stronger typing with a schema makes for easier checking. Having an xsd:any doesn't help as much as people might think for checking types; matching might still fail later. - It is still necessary to define conventions. Need to define a set of conventions - Andrew's issue is whether the value (in () is typed. - Type checking information is needed somewhere; and wouldn't want to have it only in the code Jay's proposal: 1. minimal; or 2. minimal approach + type checking for base types (e.g., int, float, boolean etc) Agreed to seek the opinions of people who have done work with these approaches on the pros and cons of each approach: - schema/typed: EGEE, Glite - minimal/convention: Condor, LSF ACTION: Jay will contact Platform (Chris Smith) and Condor (Miron Livny) to get feedback on pros / cons of the two rendering approaches ACTION: Darren/Andreas will take the Modeling position paper and discuss it within the JSDL-WG as well * RNS document discussion A revised, simplified, draft was uploaded before GGF17 by Manuel Pereira. It was discussed at GGF17. The purpose of this review was to confirm whether this new draft meets the requirements of other stakeholders and whether it can be submitted to the GGF Editor. There were some comments and requests for clarifications and minor changes but overall it was agreed that this is a good draft and that it meets stakeholders requirements for simplicity and extensibility. Chris Jordan will incorporate the feedback into a new draft, to be ready sometime next week. * OGSA Roadmap document process Jem went through a list of work items (to be uploaded to gridforge) - Main job is updating document set, dependencies and milestones for the document. So a lot of the work is identifying people that will contribute data. - The current infrastructure (excel sheet & pasting) needs a lot of manual work. It works but a better (more automatic) approach might be nice. Hiro thanked all the people volunteering. He explained that the GGF Editor has placed limits on how many names (authors/editors) may appear on the front page. Current rule is not more than three with other people contributing to the work being identified in a separate section. - Dona said she would be happy to contribute to this work in any capacity. - It was agreed that Chris Jordan will replace Jem as the main editor of the Roadmap since he has been involved in OGSA-WG longer than the other volunteers.