OGSA Teleconference - 27 April 2006 =================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Joel Replogle (GGF) Steven Newhouse (OMII) Mark Morgan (UVa) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of new actions ACTION: Ellen will do an example of a cluster (e.g., the glue cluster model) and the 'red' to 'blue' mapping for it ACTION: Hiro/Dave S/Jay/Ellen/... to talk offline and make a proposal for a summer meeting location and time, possibly in mid-July. * April 24 minutes (draft 2) approved with no changes * Webcast recap Webcast went well and a recording will be posted in due course. There were some dial-in issues and these may explain why there was no voice Q&A. A number of questions were submitted through the online system. A good percentage of registered people turned up and Jem's impression is that most were new to OGSA. Jay mentioned that sometimes people register just so that they can get an update email later for the recording. One idea is not to state in advance that a recording will be available later. Also people may not eventually turn up due to the inconvenient time slot. Doing webcasts in two parts may help against the inconvenient time slot problem. For example, do just the explanation and post the recording. And then arrange for multiple Q&A sessions at different times convenient to different time zones. The group produced a good slide deck and it is expected that it can be used for other occasions. For example, Hiro is planning his keynote off this deck. Mark Linesch also attended. Thanks to all who took part and especially to Jem for pulling everything together despite the tight schedule. * Action review [Only updated actions shown here.] - Steven Newhouse to ask Jennifer Schopf on the status of the GIN modeling document. There is no such document; delete action. (Done) - Ellen will do a revised visio diagram that has only the relevant BES attributes and JSDL attributes (base it off the info_model_for_BES/BES Container class) It is today's agenda. File (pdf) has been uploaded. - Hiro asked Ellen to also upload the Visio file to gridforge. - Andreas will sent information to Ellen on how to attach a file (e.g., visio) to a pdf file to simplify uploading to gridforge. (Done) - Andreas: to finalize OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 doc and make a final call - An updated draft is available and should be made public within a few days. * GGF17 session review ** Keynote - Hiro is planning to base his keynote on the webcast material after removing basic stuff and merging some slides into transitions. ** Information model - Discuss capabilities and requirements and their relation, including position papers. ** EMS session - Andreas has confirmed that NAREGI (beta) is not using WS-Agreement. - Steven N will produce a new version of the Scenarios document by GGF17. ** Session scheduling - Steven Newhouse has conflicts with both OGSA sessions. The group discussed re-scheduling options, including swapping times with other groups. - One session (EMS) was moved to Wednesday at 5:45 and the other (Information Model) to Friday at 1:45. There is now a conflict with RSS-WG and Joel will offer them one of the vacated OGSA slots on Thursday. ** OGSA F2F update Discussed options for OGSA F2F during the summer. Previously the group had agreed on two meetings: end of June and end of August. In this call there was no consensus for two meetings during the summer. Instead it was agreed to have a single meeting mid-July. ACTION: Hiro/Dave S/Jay/Ellen/... to talk offline and make a proposal for a summer meeting location and time, possibly in mid-July. * Information model discussion Using the material sent out by Ellen. https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=42&category_id=1022&document_content_id=5403 ** Slide 2 The abstract model (in blue) is intended to be much simpler than the instance model (red). It is a list of capabilities of the container, probably described as pairs. For example: and so on There was agremeent that it is desirable for resource capabilities (blue) and activity requirements (green) to have the same language (symmetrical rendering) and that the simple model (blue) should be generated and updated (automatically by algorithms) from the detailed model (red). The main unresolved difference is whether extensibility should be done using xml extensibility (as envisaged by JSDL) or by defining some xml (typeless) element that can express 'something' as a capability. One example to highlight this difference is RedHat versus It was agreed to table the rendering issue for now. ** Slide 3 - The concrete CIM 'stuff' gets mapped into the 'aggregated' BES abstract stuff - Note the duality of jsdl 'execution requirements': as both job requirements and container capabilities. ** Slide 4 ACTION: Ellen will do an example of a cluster (e.g., the glue cluster model) and the 'red' to 'blue' mapping for it