OGSA Teleconference - 24 April 2006 =================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Minutes: Andreas Savva * April 20 minutes approved with no changes * Action review [Only items with updates are listed below] - Jay will ask Frank to summarize in a 1-2 pages what work exists and can be the base of new specifications. (This summary will be then reviewed by the group and decide whether that is the way to go.) Done (today's agenda) - Marvin to send e-mail that explains concerns on compliance suite by GGF & EGA. Hiro sent follow up email to Marvin. - Ellen will do a revised visio diagram that has only the relevant BES attributes and JSDL attributes (base it off the info_model_for_BES/BES Container class) Confirmed that there will be an update in time for this Thursday's call. - Andreas: to finalize OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 doc and make a final call In progress. * Security Frank said there will be an AuthZ WG call tomorrow to discuss re-chartering and David Chadwick's documents. Discussed what kind of security work has already been done (implemented) and could become the basis of a new specification. Frank talked about a proposal for an authorization call-out WS interface that could end up as a GGF published specification: - This is a call-out from a security infrastructure (e.g., from a container in the case of Apache). In GT there is an internal API around the notion of a PDP and some PDPs are configured as call outs. These call-outs use a WS interface and SAML 1.1 at the moment. - The work plan would possible extent this authorization call out i/f and define a new WS protocol. ACTION: Frank to write up and send to the list a one page summary of the authorization call-out proposal before Thursday's call. The group will discuss the proposal on the list and either on the Thursday call or at a later teleconference. (Frank cannot make the Thursday call but if Jay is present he will explain it instead.) * GGF17 session review Two sessions are planned: Information and EMS - There is no detailed agenda for either yet. - In the Information session the likely plan is to present the latest work as agreed at the last F2F (abstract view for job requirements matching) and connection of that work to JSDL and RSS. - Jay has sent a request to the JSDL-WG and RSS-WG chairs to get some time in those WGs sessions but has not received confirmations yet. ACTION: After confirming the agenda of this session, Hiro/Jay to send an invitation to those groups to also attend the Information Modeling session. - (And, possibly, to suggest continuing this discussion in those WG's sessions.) - For the EMS session a likely agenda is - Scenarios review (If Steven has a conflict Andreas may fill in.) - CDDLM and JSDL relationship - WS-Agreement discussion - Jay suggested discussing how to use WS-Agreement (e.g., role and relation between WS-Agreement and JSDL) and to also invite people from GRAAP-WG. He said that an opinion he has heard often is that the framework described by WS-Agreement is interesting but it is not clear how to use it. - Hiro and Andreas mentioned that Business Grid and NAREGI use WS-Agreement in certain places. They'll look into getting some material for this discussion. - Andreas has seen a list of projects that use WS-Agreement and he will send it to Jay. - Another candidate topic for the EMS session is an ESI discussion. But the BES-WG has already started discussing the ESI paper and they seem to be making good progress. There was also a suggestion to do an ad hoc BoF. So it was agreed to encourage the idea of an ad hoc BoF instead of using time in the EMS session. - OGSA dinner: It's likely that there are other events planned for Wednesday and Thursday night (reception, chair appreciation). And some people may be leaving Friday. Hiro will confirm the schedule. * Webcast update - Jem talked about the final preparations. The slides are ready but some minor revisions may still be made. - The webcast recording should be made available online a few days after the event, and definitely by GGF17.