OGSA Telecon Minutes -- 15 March 2006 Attendees --------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Fred Maciel Hiro Kishimoto Jay Unger Ellen Stokes Chris Smith Mike Behrens Stephen Newhouse Dejan Milojicic Jun Tatemura (CDDLM-WG) Heather Kreger * Minutes from Monday - No questions/comments. - Approved * Agenda Bashing - F2F Meeting update - Joint CDDLM Discussion - Timeboxed discussion of the whitepaper from IBM/Intel/etc... (15 min) * F2F - Switch CDDLM and EMS (so that CDDLM is 8am to noon on Thursday)? -- Yes, done. ** INTERRUPT ** - Heather to call in and give over view of IBM/Intel/etc. whitepaper for 10 minutes. - Hiro to send invite to Heather for Monday telecon (early in Monday's discussion). - Everyone to read whitepaper and come back to discuss next Monday * Continuation of F2F - Mark to send out email about the hotel * CDDLM - Start from Stephen's document or from Hiro's slides. - Not sure where Hiro's slides are coming from - We have a scenario doc from athens -- first step would be to get CDL guys to give an example document that would be used to deploy the BLAST app. from a repository somewhere -- also a JSDL doc. example. - Chris to send example of BLAST workflow (for example DB formatting) to CDL - JSDL example for BLAST is for an LSF system. Not intended to show a provisioning system. Would probably use the Application element in the JSDL to describe more fully the specifics. - Chris suggesting that the current example of JSDL is designed as a very specific example. Normally you'd have a much more abstract approach with many fields, many options being unspecified and leaving it to other tools to fill these in (after possibly installing things). -- It's a typical example right now for a batch system that doesn't do anything for you. - DRMAA had the concept of a "job category" and a lot of system's seem to go that way. - The general idea is that a client will ask for an application in the abstract and then CDL will be asked to provide the binary for it. - We spent a lot of time last week talking about these slides and we seem to be doing this again. - We need consensus -- de we go on with this and evolve this presentation or do we start with Stephen's document? -- We expect to have short CDL document that describes how to start up binaries and how to download databases, etc. -- CDL to provide this document for F2F - Scenario -- Client comes to data center and wants to run 10000 searches -- He asks a job manager to run 10000 searches -- job manager decides to allocate 10 servers for this. -- It asks CDL to set up 10 servers. -- This takes time, but afterwords the 10000 searches run on it. - Dejan to include filesystem mount in the CDL example -- Also try to offer more support to the example -- When needed? --- Atleast the F2F meeting, beforehand better. --- Try to provide by EMS call on Monday a week and a half hence. - Regarding Environment Variables -- Is Environment variable set up part of deployment, or execution. - Modify current example to combine the path and tmpdir stuff and put environment into deployment (CDL document). - If you want to specify an env. var. into the application execution, then shouldn't that be part of the JSDL? -- We should make sure that the distinction between deployment env. variables, and execution env. vars is made clear. -- It would be really good to get some of the general use cases and scenarios down. - Let's choose one, generic case scenario first and get it down in black and white. - Is Env. Var an input to or an output from CDL? -- output. - Jun to take leadership of next CDDLM meeting. - We have a plan. - Neither Dejan nor Jun is available on the 27th or the 29th -- Actually, Dejan can join on either for the second half, but not the first half. -- There isn't a single timeslot that both can make. - Put CDL discussion in later part of the 29th telelcon.