OSGA Teleconference minutes - 8 February 2006 ============================================= * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions Action: Hiro to upload the Profiles to the GGF Editor tracker Action: Hiro will post the panel proposal text to the list and followup with the identified candidates to confirm the final selection. * February 6 minutes approved with no changes * Monday teleconference information (dial-in numbers) will change after GGF16. - Many thanks to HP (Jeffrin) for providing the facilities so far. * Basic security profiles update - Final call finished last Monday - Some minor revisions from Hiro and Jem - Agreed that the profiles can be submitted to the GGF Editor Action: Hiro to upload the Profiles to the GGF Editor tracker * WSRF Basic Profile update - no update * RSM license - Ellen is following up. * Glossary - Data Federation: Accepted 'logical' and added "In OGSA," since this is an OGSA specific definition. - Re-worked definitions for "use case" and "scenarios" merging the two proposals. Jem will upload the document but will not issue a final call. There will be a combined OGSA 1.5 final call (Architecture and Glossary) when Andreas uploads the final version late this week, early next week. * Wikipedia - OGSA entry - Jem has updated the entry (OGSA). The motivation is just to make sure that the correct information is provided in that public forum. More detailed information will be maintained on the GGF site. * GGF16 planning ** Panel discussion - Reviewed Andreas' draft panel description, proposed balance and identified candidates for participants and moderator. - One proposal is to have two moderators, one from industry the other from academia. It is interesting but there was some uncertainty on how well the format would work. - Candidates so far are mostly from academia. Looking for more commercial/industry representatives. Possible candidates: - Tony Hey (MS) - Franco Travostino (Nortel) - David Martin (IBM) - /Someone from Univa/ Action: Hiro will post the panel proposal text to the list and followup with the identified candidates to confirm the final selection. ** Information model session agenda The session will be a working session focusing on the Modeling guidelines (Fred) and the container documents (Ellen) Proposed and accepted that it should be a bottom-up session, starting with the BES container to motivate the more general guidelines discussion---make it clear that the 'guidelines' is based off the process that came up with the container. It should be made very clear that the guidelines are formulated based on work actually done and are not a blue-sky description of an untried process. Expected audience for this session: EMS (mainly) and possibly Data - BES was initially chosen as a candidate since it is a simple(r) component in EMS. Along the same lines of thoughts a likely first candidate in data is the BYTEIO-WG---it deals with files. - It should also be emphasized that the RM design team is not trying to make more work for other WGs. The main work will be done in OGSA; but domain expert collaboration is needed. - A grid view of storage is another candidate (ref. SNIA) * Modeling Guidelines document review There was not sufficient time to review the document in detail. Some comments were to add - information on how to get access to tools (RSM license); - that the process has been used to come up with the BES container model (and is not a blue-sky approach); and - in the introduction that basing the work on CIM is a *proposal* (it is mentioned in the Status section but some people might not look at that section). ** F2F agenda review - Hiro is working to fill in logistical info (location and how to get there) - Agreed to put 'Next F2F' discussion earlier in the agenda. Sometime in the morning is better to make sure that most interested parties are present.