OGSA Teleconference Minutes - 6 February 2006 ============================================= * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD LLC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (EMC) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions Action: Tom will update the WSRF BP draft and do final call with next Monday as the deadline. Action: Hiro to confirm the consensus on the definition of the AbstractName (unique in space and time) Action: Dave Berry to propose additional (or other) references for Data or DAIS. Action: Andreas to prepare a new draft and issue a final call. The call will probably overlap GGF16 and to be concurrent with the Glossary final call. * February 1 minutes approved with no changes * Basic security profile - final call - Hiro sent out a few minor comments to the list - Jem is planning to read the documents this week * WSRF BP 1.0 status - New draft with some minor edits posted to gridforge. - As discussed briefly on the last call there is a proposal to delay the submission, or at least the publication of this profile, until WSRF becomes an OASIS standard. This is to avoid having to change the profile soon after it is published. - Tom and Hiro conferred with the WSRF TC chair (Dave Snelling) and clarified that when the WSRF specs become OASIS stanards there will be no namespace changes. The only change is in the location where the documents are kept. [So presumably only the references section needs to be updated.] - Proposed and agreed that the WSRF BP should be prepared and submitted for publication; and ask that the GGF Editor not publish it until the WSRF documents are published by OASIS. - In this way the WSRF BP will be assigned a GFD number and other documents now making their way through the GGF pipeline can refer to it in a stable manner. Action: Tom will update the WSRF BP draft and do final call with next Monday as the deadline. * RSM license - no update * GGF16 preparation - Unfortunately Tom cannot attend GGF16 due to work commitments. He will try to call in during the OGSA sessions. - Panel preparation: no update yet. - Hiro is looking for participants. - Proposals for candidates, etc, should be sent to Hiro before the next call. * OGSA 1.5 review Reviewed draft 5 uploaded to gridforge before the call. - Infrastructure: Approved text for Naming (also needs Andrew's review); transactions (with minor changes to references); and workflow. - For the references: In the case of unpublished drafts that have been submitted to a standards body then refer to the WG or TC home page. For example refer to the OASIS WS-TX TC in the case of WS-BusinessActivity. Action: Hiro to confirm the consensus on the definition of the AbstractName (unique in space and time is best effort?) - EMS: Approved deletion of Figure 4 and associated text; changes in terminology to use EPRs; confirmed that 'resource handle' is no longer used and deleted it from the Glossary; change of figure for BLAST job scenario; deletion of PSHS; change in sections in interactions with OGSA (logging). Minor comments: - "WSDM managed resource" and other mentions of WSDM should be cast as examples. - Figure 4: 'configuration' is truncated; check fonts - Data: Approved new text and figures. - Information services: Minor revision to Logging section to highlight persistency. - log aggregation is a topic that some people expected to see discussed in this section. Agreed to leave as future work. - INFOD: requires a document reference - References: Confirmed new style for references for GGF published documents. Yellow highlighted entries need to be double checked using the rule described earlier. - DAIS reference might need update. Action: Dave Berry to propose additional (or other) references for Data or DAIS. Action: Andreas to prepare a new draft and issue a final call. The call will probably overlap GGF16 and to be concurrent with the Glossary final call. * Other business The Data architecture document is nearly ready for an initial full review by the OGSA-WG. Plan to put it on the agenda of a call after GGF.