OGSA Teleconference - 12 January 2006 ===================================== * Participants Steven Newhouse Jay Unger Hiro Kishimoto Fred Maciel Dejan Milojicic Takuya Mori Andrew Grimshaw (Andreas Savva) 1. Agenda Bashing for F2F * CCDLM & ACS Review deploy and related scenarios (use cases) from the draft EMS Composition Roadmap document. Dejan will only be there for the CCDLM session. Stuart may also be attending. Dejan to confirm. Current work (an informational document) will be based on current specification documents. This will form a basis for a profile document later on in the year. * Provisioning vs. deployment Is there input we should consider from the EGA Reference Model work? Probably. Past discussion raised the requirement of calculating the deployment cost ('walking' the CDL tree). The current CDDLM specs do not support this functionality directly but it is certainly a conceptual possibility. For example, the needed information could be added as 'decorations'. Is it necessary to try and formulate how to calculate the deployment cost? ( E.g., a framework on how to describe costs, etc.) No, it should be sufficient to define interfaces and the format of the returned estimate, possibly including other information such as the confidence in the estimate. Aiming for something simple initially is good to aid adoption. What is the relation between CDL and JSDL? There is some overlap in the functionality of the two specifications (e.g., both can do data staging, JSDL includes some functionality that may look like configuration values, etc) but the motivation and purpose of the two specifications is different. For example, CDL could be used for staging input and output data but that is not the primary intention. Also CDL does not aim to describe the resource constraints of the job; rather specific resource information would be filled in as a result of scheduler/broker/... decisions. (It was restated that CDDLM does *not decide where* to deploy; it is given that information.) So a useful interaction between these specs would be to think of a JSDL description being used, possibly by CSG or EPS, to fill in a CDL description that would then drive the deployment and configuration of the selected resources to prepare the environment for the job to execute. Agreed that more work is needed at the F2F and that there should be a summary presented and the understanding confirmed with the group. In particular it may be worth discussing the CDL and JSDL topic first since it sets the overall nature of the interactions between the various components. Dejan proposed to think of relations between pairs of actors first before trying to generalize and include multiple actors. 2. Adjust F2F schedule Accepted Hiro's proposed agenda changes: - Swap GRAAP and OGSA 1.5 on Tuesday. - Move WS-Management profile to Wed - Move Information to Monday afternoon, swapping with the EMS roadmap.