OGSA Teleconference - 12 December 2005 ====================================== * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (EMC) Takuya Mori (NEC) Darren Pulsipher (Xango) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Peter Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes of Dec 5 and 7 approved with no changes. * Jan 2006 F2F update Hiro posted draft agenda and survey. There were 12 replies to the survey so far. Unfortunately some did not have a name or email. - Fellow WGs should send Hiro their detailed agenda - WS-Management session: Only if the situation clears up with respect to MS participation * GGF16 Update - Proposal for 2 sessions: - Town hall: need to prepare for this and attract the right people. - How popular is this expected to be? Talk with Andrew G who proposed the idea. - One idea is to split the session in two parts: outreach followed by town hall - Technical session: Last GGF this was a joint session with CDDLM. CDDLM is scheduling a joint session with EMS as part of their agenda this time so a different topic should be chosen. - Proposal for an Information Model joint session---how it relates to other activities such as BES, ByteIO and JSDL and so on. - Fred will bring a proposed agenda to the Jan F2F * GGF 16 F2F update - Revisit the agenda discussion for this meeting during the Jan F2F. * Basic security profile status review Takuya explained the current status. The Secure Channel was split into Core and Secure Channel a couple of weeks ago. But the relationship, if any, of these two specifications is still unclear. Alternatives were discussed and Takuya took on the assignment to clarify whether there is a need for a Core profile---if its contents are all MLS (message level security) specific perhaps it should be included within the (scheduled) MLS profile instead. Takuya is discussing this issue with Frank and he will send out a proposal to the list. * OGSA 1.5 review ** Glossary Reviewed a small number of definitions: - Resource: Fred to look at revising this definition (take out 'managed' aspect and move to 'manageable resource'). Send to Jem and Andreas first. - Component: reviewed and revised Michael B's proposal. - Task: Only used in a technical sense in Andreas to look into revising that text (remove task) and Jem will then remove from Glossary. ** OGSA 1.5 - Recap of status: missing text for parts of Infrastructure and Data Integrity; otherwise only minor revisions. - Reviewed minor changes to clear up 'use case' and 'scenario' usage. - Andreas is thinking of updating Figure 5 in EMS. He will talk with Andrew. - Andreas to add the ByteIO reference. * Other business - Note that 'Profile Definition' final call is due this week. - IPsphere presentation update - Joint call last week went very well. Andrew gave a very good OGSA introduction based on the MDC slides. - Identified a lot of similarities with IPsphere work. They are also looking at defining a set of high level services. They will review OGSA material. - No actions or follow up call scheduled at this moment. Franco T is continuing as liaison and he will contact OGSA-WG is follow up meetings are neeeded. - Hiro has received permission and he will upload their slides to gridforge. * Next call - Hiro and Tom are unavailable Wednesday. Andreas will send out an agenda and chair the call instead. - Expected agenda: EMS composite roadmap and deployment scenarios breakdown.