OGSA Teleconference - 7 December 2005 ===================================== * Participants Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (EMC) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC) Steven Newhouse (Univ. of Southampton) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Profile definition update - Revised document is on gridforge - Tom will send out a final call email and then submit to the Editor. * IPsphere OGSA presentation - Planning an initial call tomorrow. Looking for volunteers to do the presentation. - This is fairly short notice. The call was arranged this week. - Andrew G and Mark M volunteered to do the presentation using the "OGSA Introduction" slide deck prepared for MDC. - Hiro has asked Ravi to send back the last version of the MDC slides; use the one on gridforge otherwise. - A number of other people are also planning to call in: Hiro, Michael, Jem. - Having an introductory set of slides that anyone from the group can use to present is a good idea and hopefully the MDC presentation will evolve to fill that function. * Naming review - The Naming WG has a call arranged for tomorrow - Andrew has posted the requirements document written before the OGSA-Naming WG was formed (document created by the then Naming design team). - Tentative agenda - Whether the wsa fields in question can be assumed to be IRIs - Uniqueness - On the wire issue (resolved previously?) - Hiro asked that resolution of issues should be documented. (This would be useful in general even if an issue is thought to have been already resolved.) - Next OGSA call to review Naming issues resolution planned for Dec. 19 * BES Naming discussion - Consensus reached in BES-WG: - It is in line with Tom's policy statement: - Require EPRs, don't require but recommend WS-Names - Also define some way of advertising whether a service returnes EPRs that are WS-Names or not - For WSRF will define the property to advertise this - Reviewed Tom's policy statement again. No revisions needed. - Agreed to put it on gridforge as a separate note (e.g., some kind of architecture note). - Andreas will create this category; add the note and advertise it on the list. - Informal interop next week in UK - Reviewing the OASIS interop document and planning the activity - Eventually this may become a more formal event but the focus next week is to get some initial interoperability * EMS Architecture update - Dec 21 is the planned joint call with EMS and CDDLM/GRAAP - (This is also the final call of the year) - Steven has been reviewing the WS-Agreement spec and will be arranging a separate call with GRAAP-WG - Ian's comment in the agenda - Agree that there are lots of ways of doing selection. There is no specific proposal, just a initial motivation raised on a call sometime back to look into existing work. - This is not an issue for the specific scenario that was under review since there is no selection (pre-selection assumed) - Steven will confirm with Ian that this understanding is correct. - Hiro and Andreas to share the updated deployment scenarios list. - The next EMS call is for Dec 14. - Confirmed UML tool selection: RSM is ok; waiting for the way of getting licenses to clear up. * Next call - Monday - Security profile - OGSA 1.5 and Glossary NB: Final call of the year is 12/21