======================================================================= ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: Nov 30 19:05-20:10 EST 2005 / Dec 1 9:05-10:10 JST 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Peter Ziu (Northrop) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Updates - SDD TC status SDD TC face to face meeting was held in Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 14-16. Tom and Keisuke attended the meeting. There was a discussion about already collected requirements, which were classified to 17 categories. The TC continues discussion to sort out and shape up the requirements. All documents are available from the SDD TC site: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/documents.php?wg_abbrev=sdd We are expecting closer relationship with SCC TC. Joshua Allen of Macrovision showed particular interest in ACS. The updated schedule for their schedule is to be discussed yet. SDD refers IUDD spec which was submitted to the W3C as 'Member Submission', so we may prepare comments to the SDD based on the IUDD spec. - From now on We submitted our first draft to the GGF Editors and we are waiting for the response from them. Below is the current projection, though it depends on when the Editor review finishes. [Projection] Nov 10 Submission to the GGF editor (Done!) End Nov. Comments from GGF editor received. Early Dec. Comments are addressed and returned. Mid Dec. 60 day public review starts. End Feb. review comments are collected. Mid Mar. updated draft is returned to GGF editor. End Mar. approval by GGF. - Next Step Below are the candidate action items for the next step from Keisuke: + Open issues described in the "Spec. 1.0". + OGSA EMS discussion - catch up and join the discussion (GGF16 in Feb. and combined OGSA F2F) + Giving assistance and get feedback from reference implementations. + VM (Virtual Machine) image management for Xen or VMware Since VM can contribute to a final granularity management of OS, VM could be a finer and more effective hosting environment of Grid applications, especially in terms of security and deployment. VM implementation is out of scope of Grid standardization, but we may be able to contribute to some of the aspects how VM needs to be operated. For example, a snapshot image could be managed as a ACS archive, which is automatically generated by management tools. + Deployment automation research (opsware, DCML, install servers, etc..) Action: All, to list up action items to be discussed and send them to the ML. * Next meeting Date & Time: will be announced later. Keisuke will ask Tom his preferred schedule.