OGSA Teleconference - 28 November 2005 ====================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Apologies: Peter Ziu Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes Nov 21 approved with no changes * Jan 2006 F2F - To be held at Sunnyvale. Proposed agenda is on gridforge. - The recommended hotel is the Corporate Inn. * OGSA 1.5: Infrastructure section review Reviewed new text in the infrastructure section. Some concerns were raised about the text discussing multiple profiles. There has not been any work on a second basic profile since the last GGF so saying 'defining' is not accurate---'allowing' may be better. Also there is a technical issue with saying that WS-Management is functionally equivalent to WSRF. Action: Jay volunteered to provide revised text for section 3.3.6 for review in a future call. * Basic Security Profile discussion - Agreed with proposal outlined in the email sent by Andreas to the list: separate out portions of the 'Secure channel' in a new Basic secure profile. - Takuya is working on removing those parts out of the Secure Channel and he will prepare a new draft this week. - Takuya will also prepare the new Basic security profile document - These drafts are not ready so their review is postponed for future calls. (The secure channel may be reviewed Wednesday if ready.) * Glossary review - Reviewed the Acronym list proposed by Olegario, using the normal policy---include OGSA related acronyms, consider non-OGSA grid acronyms, and do not include general acronyms. - Decisions recorded by Jem and will be uploaded to gridforge tracker. Only actions relating to the Architecture document are recorded here: - Consider adding footnote for CORBA (Andreas) - Review usage of DBMS and also RDMBS and ODMBS (Andreas) - EMS should probably be consistenly OGSA-EMS (Andreas) - EU: Change citation to VOMS and spell out EU instead (Andreas) - LDAP, RDMBS: have a look at usage of section 3.7.5 (Andreas) - PII: Andreas to check with Frank or Takuya - VLANs: Andreas to check if RM text can be rewritten * MDC presentation review - Postponed review---no quorum. - Andreas will send editable OGSA v1 figures to Ravi - Jem will send the 'refererenced standards' slides to Ravi - Andreas will arrange for a review of the slides for the next meeeting: preferably towards the end of the meeting.