OGSA Teleconference - 14 November 2005 ====================================== * Participants Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) * Nov 9 minutes approved with no changes * UML tool selection Michael reviewed a number of UML tools and prepared a summary that was sent to the list before the call. http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/11/msg00053.html ** Requirements - Generating code is not a strong requirement for OGSA at this time. - Importing/exporting XMI from other tools probably falls in the nice-to-have category. (But Michael clarified that sometimes even importing portions of diagrams prepared by someone else using the same tool caused problems.) - Community or free editions of some commercial tools often add banner text on printouts. It should count against that tool. - Since the tools must be free other tools such as MS Visio are not reviewed. ** Tool summary - Poseidon: Very slow starting up---when clicking on a project icon it took about 45sec to start up. But after that is quite usable and the functionality is good. - Rose: A big download but the functionality and performance is good. A lot of features. But there are many editions and the RSM version may be sufficient. - It took about 1 week for a reply to the GGF license request. And Michael still has to talk with someone at IBM about receiving a license. - Jude: Also quite good, but would need the Pro version (not free) for import/export. - Visual Paradigm was also quite good. ** Discussion - Preference on the call for Rational. It is a full featured, unlimited, version. It has support for all the features needed and performance is good. Finally IBM's standards license should give all GGF participants access to same version at no extra cost. - In the case of DMTF there is a designated IBM representative within DMTF that participants can apply to and get a license. A similar arrangements should be possible within GGF. Action: Ellen will check who can be IBM's contact within GGF for Rational licenses. (It is probably going to be one of Dave Martin or Jay Unger.) Action: Hiro will send out a short memo on the rough consensus to the list. Ask for comments and make a final decision on the next call. * Israel Workshop participant from OGSA-WG OGSA-WG has had a similar request for participation to a workshop in Israel a few months ago but no one was able to go at that time. This time the proposal is to time the workshop before or after GGF16 since people are going to be nearby. The workshop organizers are flexible about the timing. - Since GGF16 runs from Monday to Thursday and OGSA-WG is planning a F2F on Friday the workshop is probably going to be the week before or the week after. - It would be a good idea to check whether the workshop organizers are willing to pay expenses. Many people have budget restrictions and many not be able to justify it to their companies otherwise. - No volunteer on the call - On a side note, Jem suggested that doing a webcast on OGSA and then providing access to the recording may also be a way to help interested parties engage with OGSA - WS-I has done something similar recently and it seems a good way to share information - OGSA, and in particular Ravi, is already preparing for the MDC presentation Action: Hiro to check with Steve Crumb whether expenses will be covered by the workshop organizers. Action: Hiro to ask Steve Crumb how far GGF can support an OGSA webcast. * Basic security profile review Draft uploaded by Takuya before the call. Reviewed trackers and other changes in the text. - Issue 1685: Added definition of secure channel. Agreed to modify to say 'mutual authentication' instead and also add a more specific word such as 'layer' to transport - Line 105: Add key info exchange to the list - Also since secure channel is defined further up try to use similar terminology here to make clearer what is being addressed by the profile. - Issue 1663: Deleted text on normative dependency to WSRF BP. - Should also delete the 'ogsa-bp' namespace from Table 1 (not used) - And the 'wsse' namespace; it is not used in main document and there is a separate table in the appendix that includes it. - On line 118 and also in the Abstract there is some text that still seems to imply sole use of this profile by the WSRF BP. Needs revision. Andreas volunteered to review the new text. - Issue 1662: Decided to use the latest version of the spec. - Issue 1660: Verified, closed. - R0321: Is this compliance statement needed? It seems MLS related and not needed by TLS. - Takuya will check whether it is needed; delete otherwise. - Plan: - Prepare a new draft by Wed - Do the final review next Monday - Make the final call after that and submit by Nov'30 - (Cannot do earlier given the Thanksgiving holiday) * Glossary review Jem has followed up on some issues with the submitters and confirmed that no action is needed. - Issue 1159 : no action; close - Issue 1333 : no action; close - Further review postponed. - Agreed that from now on a 10-15 minute slot must be reserved on *each call* for a brief glossary review. * Next call - Per agreed schedule. - Note: NO CALL on Wednesday, 11/23 (Thanksgiving holidays)