======================================================================= ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: Oct 26 20:05-21:40 EDT 2005 / Oct 27 9:05-10:40 JST, 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Peter Ziu (Northrop) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Review of the new Chapters for Samples, Schemas, Open Issues and Authors. ** Title Keisuke proposed to use revision # to represent modification instead of changing version like 0.5x. The title of the draft will be "Application Contents Service Specification 1.0 Revision 0". ** Samples - Change example URL from "foo.example.com" to "foo.ggf.org". (Done on Oct 31) - Mike's question: why use ARI rather than QName to specify attributes such as transport method or transport type. Answer: Both are legal as XML Schema, but URI sounds more extensible so that third parties can add their own transport method or type. - Pete's question: Is the directory structure of the AA depicted in the samples, such as data, app, etc., normative? Answer: No. Only the file name of AAD (aad.xml) is normative. - It should be explicitly explained that the example 5 is the case using the extensibility of the transport method. ** Schemas - Pete proposed to include schemas for Deployment Descriptor within ACS namespace. Conclusion: The schema for DD and its URI would be defined by the other specifications than ACS. If it is done so, it can be presented as a value for the type attribute of the Content element, described in Section 6.1 Action: All, to review the draft and make comments. * Review of the remained comments through the document. No comments left at present. * Review of the "Issues in Spec" tracker items. We could not review the "Issues in Spec" during the meeting due to time restriction. Action: All, to review the "Issue in Spec" as shown in below link and make comments. https://forge.gridforum.org/tracker/index.php?group_id=147&atid=805&filter=&f_artifact_id=&f_priority=&f_assigned_to=&f_artifact_status=&f_category=&f_artifact_group=&group_id=147&atid=805&sort0=priority&dir0= * Schedule toward the submission of the draft We had planned to submit to the GGF editor on Oct 31, but it can be pushed by a week or so, if it requires time to review the draft. (NOTE: Submission date has pushed to Nov 7, see Keisuke's mail on Oct 31) [Projection] Mid Nov. Comments from GGF editor received. End Nov. Comments are addressed and returned. Early Dec. 60 day public review starts. Early Feb. review comments are collected. Mid Feb. updated draft is returned to GGF editor. End Feb. approval by GGF. * Updates OASIS SDD TC F2F will be held during Nov. 14-16. Keisuke will attend the meeting. * Next meeting Date & Time: Nov 9 Wed 19:00 EST/Nov 10 Thu 9:00 JST Calling #: will be announced later Note: Nov 2nd and 16th will be skipped.