OGSA Teleconference - 24 October 2005 ===================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (EMC) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Teleconference minutes - Oct. 19 minutes approved with no changes. - Hiro's proposed modifications to previously approved minutes (see mailing list) accepted with the exception of modifying the 'profile' term---it is not a minutes issue. - Hiro to follow up with the RM team on what the proper term should be. - Andreas to correct the other issues. * OGSA Architecture 1.5 - Review of draft 2: Data requirements and Data Capability ** Data requirements - Added policy specification & management - "OGSA must provide consistent update.." is not intended as a general requirement for all services since some could provide weaker consistency. - Agreed to change to "agreed or decided level..." - Use OGSA as an adjective. - Andreas & Jem to review the usage in this document and propose revised usage. - Usage of 'should', 'must' etc - Prioritizing requirements is not a goal for this version so there is no normative meaning implied. - Andreas & Jem to review and provide guidelines - 'Data discovery' and 'Metadata catalogues' and interraction with information services. - Dave B has asked Abdeslem to check the revised text. - Is 'Transport selection' mentioned? In the Data capability section ** Data Capability - Modified definition (previously in terms of providing one or more specific interface). - Deleted the EMS like supply-demand section since explanation was unsatisfactory. No volunteers to write up properly. - What is the 'Legacy considerations' section? - Things that are not functionality or properties and seemed misplaced in previous drafts. - Agreed that the title needs revision. Considered alternatives and settled for "Heterogeneity and Extensibility" - XQuery was not a client API and was replaced by SAX/DOM - Data transfer: Added security paragraph - 'Autonomic' should be changed to 'self-managing' or 'autonomous' as used in other sections. - Simple Access: Add Byte IO reference. - In general refer to other grid-specific standards; but it is not necessary to provide references to all the non-grid ones. - Update: provisioning as implied by "Other examples..." moved here from a later paragraph. - Metadata catalogue: Waiting for feedback from Abdeslem as mentioned above. - Properties: Agreed to keep sub-sections separate (rather than merging in QoS) and to expand the QoS section - Agreed to add Integrity: Andrew will provide text. - Interactions with rest of OGSA - Transactions: Tom to send reference - Scheduling is a new sub-section - Provisioning text merged to earlier paragraph (see above) - The group worked on a high level architecture diagram during last May's F2F. Dave B to look into adding that diagram to this section. * Basic Security Profile review - Draft uploaded to gridforge by Takuya. Reviewed status of trackers. - 1656: Checked and fixed URI - 1657: Confirmed and updated extensibility points according to August version of WS-I BSP (in the process of bringing the rest of the text up to date). Also need to update Appendix B. - 1658: In progress; expect to be done by next Monday's call - 1659: SSL allowed as underlying protocol per WS-I BSP - 1660: Closed - 1661: Closed - 1662: Working on bringing up to date with August BSP 1.0 - 1663: Tom to follow up on it this week - 1685: Define 'secure channel' per Von's comment - Expected revised and possibly final text by next Monday - Also need to update the Roadmap and spreadsheet - Agreed it's a good idea to keep track of updates. Proposed and accepted to log all spec updates to the Roadmap 1.1 tracker. - Takuya will update the spreadsheet and section 5.2 of the Roadmap and references. - Unused references (due to dropping MLS) should be deleted. - Andreas to create a tracker for Roadmap 1.1 * MDC presentation Postponed for next call since Ravi was not present. * Glossary review - Tracker review. - 957: - Resource discovery: Agreed to include using Jem's revised definition. - Factory: add to the glossary. This is a generic definition not the OGSI one. - Grid environment: generic term; leave out - Heterogeneous, homogeneous: generic terms; leave out - Use case / Scenario usage is opposite to the industry usage. It was also pointed out that the usage within OGSA 1.0 may be inconsistent. - Andreas to review usage of "Use case / scenario" in the document and make sure that the terms are used consistently within the Architecture document. Check if they can be aligned with common usage; put an appropriate definition in the Glossary otherwise. - Publish/Subscribe - defined in line; leave out - Multicast - generic term; leave out - broadcast - generic term; leave out (also not used in the document). * Next call - Information model discussion - MDC presentation review - This is scheduled for December but the Title and Abstract should be submitted soon.