OGSA Teleconference - 17 October 2005 ===================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Tom Maguire (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Minutes: Andreas Savva * The approval of the following minutes was postponed for Wednesday - Sep 28 - GGF15 sessions - GGF15 F2F - Oct 12 * WSRF RMD spec ownership Dan Jemiolo from WSDM TC joined WSRF TC and has taken over the editorial of the RMD spec. No action from OGSA-WG is needed. * Charter update - Hiro incorporated minor edits by Jem. - Andrew as AD to take to the GFSG. * Teleconference schedule - Teleconference schedule as agreed on during the F2F. * Management Developer Conference - Venue: Santa Clara - Looking for volunteers to give an introductory presentation on OGSA. - No known hard deadline for accepting; as-soon-as-possible. - Both Jay and Tom expressed interest but cannot commit yet. - Interested parties should contact Hiro. * Security Profile issues review - Takuya uploaded issues: 7 issues in total for the secure channel profile - 1656: Added the WSRF BP Security Profile URI claim - Takuya to double-check that the correct URI is used - 1657: Takuya checking BSP 1.0 and will add the missing extensibility points, if appropriate - 1658: Focus profile on TLS and review MLS requirements - Main things left are statement to only use TLS (not SSL), mutual authentication, and some of the assertions. - The key exchange is worded for MLS but can also be used for TLS. - Takuya to change the text to 'When exchanging keys...' instead of 'When using MLS...' - 1659: Takuya reviewing - 1660: Agreed on the call that it is ok as is. - 1661: Tom is ok as contributor - 1662: WS-I BSP reference. Takuya checking which version to use (Jan or Aug). But, unless there is a specific reason it is better to refer to the latest one. - Other issues: - Since there may be additional basic profiles the text describing the relation of this security profile and the WSRF BP should be revised. (Tom will propose new text.)