======================================================================= ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: Oct 12 20:10-21:50 EDT 2005 / Oct 13 9:10-10:50 JST, 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Peter Ziu (Northrop) - regrets Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Review of the proposed contents for section "3.3 Relationship to other activities". 3.3.1 OASIS SDD TC - Tom 3.3.4 OGSA Data WG - Mike, Pete 3.3.5 OASIS WSDM TC - Tom Action: Keisuke, to ask Tom to post the drafts in this week. (Done Oct 12) Action: Mike, to write draft for section 3.3.4 and send it to the ML. (Done Oct 13) * Schedule toward the submission of the draft Proposed schedule is approved. Oct 13 Review of the Chapter 7 then Chapter 1 and 2. Oct 20 Review of the rest, Open issues, style check Oct 27 Submission to the GGF editor [Projection] Mid Nov. Comments from GGF editor received. End Nov. Comments are addressed and returned. Early Dec. 60 day public review starts. Early Feb. review comments are collected. Mid Feb. updated draft is returned to GGF editor. End Feb. approval by GGF. Carry on items to version 2.0 will be described in chapter 11 "Open Issues". Action: Keisuke, to compile issues raised at GGF15 sessions. (Done Oct 12) * Review of the proposed draft for the chapter 7 AAF in the draft 0.51. - Relationship to SDD. For the version 1.0, we don't have any dependencies to SDD. Convergence with SDD will be addressed in the open issues chapter. - Version format. Mike's question: Why do we use xsd:string type to describe version instead of using separate types such as major, minor, etc. Answer: The spec should accept various version numbering semantics enforced by any development environment (tools) to be used with ACS. - Uniqueness of AAID Sachiko's question: If different producers try to create AA instances that have same AAID, is it failed? Answer: Yes. AAID must be unique in a repository. The combination of the name and version element in the AAID should be kept unique in the repository between producers. - AccessConstraint. This element specifies security policy for information contained in Application Archive, thus mainly it should be about access control. The generic security policy should be described and kept by system implementation rather than by each AA. This element should be optional. - CheckSum for each content. The term "digest value" may be more appropriate. We need check other standards like XML Signature. - Differential AAD. Mike's question: Can binary differentials be included in AA? Answer: The differential here is in a granularity of Application Content. Differential updates finer than it, for example using a binary patch, is not specified in ACS, though they can be practiced in a implementation specific way with prior agreement between producers and consumers. - Version management. We currently have only simple attributes that indicate parent and immediate children. For future discussion, Mike suggested adding attributes to describe richer dependency information between AAs. - Physical format. Mike suggested having auto installable format in order to help automated provisioning. One may execute GetContents automatically to obtain content on which it depends. Agreed to discuss about this as an open issues. Action: Keisuke, to merge section 1.3 Notational Conventions and 1.4 Namespace (posted on Sep 26 by Sachiko) to the draft. (Done Oct 14) Action: Sachiko, to add XML schema diagrams. Action: Keisuke, to compress and simplify the description, especially the Differential AAD section. Action: Mike, to post his proposal for AAD to the ml. (Done Oct 12) * Updates Keisuke attended CDDLM teleconf on Oct 12 and discussed possible interaction between ACS and CDDLM. The conclusion is either of three sequences Stuart proposed will work and there is no preference from ACS view. * Next meeting Date: Oct 19 Wed 20:00 EDT/Oct 20 Thu 9:00 JST Calling #: will be announced later