OGSA Teleconference - 28 September 2005 ======================================= * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Mary Thompson (LBL) Jem Treadwell (HP) Stuart Schaefer (Softricity) Ayla Debora Dantas de Souza (UFCG) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Mike Behrens and Andreas Savva * Minutes of September 26 approved with no changes. * OGSA AuthZ discussion ** Specifications OGSA-AuthZ-WG has changed the names of both its specs following Hiro's comments about the usage of 'OGSA'. (And also changed 'Profile' to 'Specification' since the documents do not conform to the OGSA Profile Definition.) Hiro, however, had intended the comment to apply only to one of the two documents (the Service document) that is using OGSI for the rendering---the Attributes document does not and could have kept OGSA in the title. The AuthZ WG's intention is to update these documents later (next version) and use the 'OGSA' term. But they could also just be resubmitted to the editor. (Perhaps the WG was over-zealous in changing these documents). Agreed to discuss these issues further at GGF15 in one of the OGSA AuthZ sessions. - Some detailed comments: - eduPerson is defined and seems to be required for all services. But the document is actually just defining vocabulary and it is up to each service whether and which attributes it will use. - 'edu-' prefix: As defined by Shibboleth and names kept as is. 'eduPerson' is originally intended for Higher Education. Here pulled out some of the more generic attributes but did not change the names. - Hiro has more comments on the Attribute document but these will be discussed on the mailing list or GGF15. ** Charter - Deliverables: It is not clear if the WG will deliver one document or two. Also a requirements document was mentioned on the call but it is not listed in the charter. - There is also the possibility of one more document on blacklist/whitelist service interaction. - Hiro also wants a document on fine-grained delegation of rights since it is functionality relating/required by a number of OGSA services, e.g., Data has recently raised a set of requirements. - This field is a political minefield since there is no standard 'policy' language. SAML/XACML address some but not all issues. - It is also difficult to get people to use something like this just because a standards body says so. The charter will be discussed at GGF15. There is also a plan for a discussion with the Data WG. * Basic security profile review Takuya uploaded a new version before the call. There was an action to ask other parties (Industry, Projects) on their requirements wrt TLS and MLS. Hiro talked to people within Fujitsu and also people involved in outside Grid projects. Overall the opinion is that TLS is a more basic requirement than MLS. - MLS is seen as application specific. For example, which part of the payload to sign or encrypt depends on the application. It is not enough to say sign and encrypt everything. - MLS is more complex and the requirements for including MLS in this profile have not been made clear. - The key exchange portion of the profile is one feature that may be useful to both TLS and MLS and should be kept. Proposed and accepted to focus the secure channel profile on just TLS in the interests of making quick progress. Leave MLS out until the requirements for it are made clear. MLS may be included in a later version; or a separate profile for it may be defined. Action: Takuya and Frank to re-check the WS-I BSP for the MLS choices and which portions of those might be refined in an OGSA security profile. There was also a discussion on how to communicate the set of security features that an endpoint supports and how to negotiate which of these features to use in an interaction. The negotiation process is not specific to security but there is a need to characterize the set of security features that can be negotiated. (At the moment the Profiles provide 'Claim URIs' which indicate an all or nothing claim and do not make clear which optional features in the Profile are supported.) * CDDLM demo Demo by Ayla Dantas. Slides were sent to the list before the call. URL used for the demo: - OurGrid introduction. This implementation is part of the OurGrid project. The CDDLM implementation is built on the Apache MUSE project. It is an independent implementation done using the CDDLM specifications only. There will also be a demo at GGF15 in a CDDLM session. - In the Architecture diagram: What is resource manager? A web service that has operations to create context (tomcat context that can create a CDDLM system) on the resource. It is not a Resource Manager in the OGSA sense. Probably it should be renamed to something else, e.g., component manager. - Description of CDL, including a number of features such as extends, lazy, etc. - Demo went through entire CDDLM lifecycle. * GGF15 & F2F meeting - Proposed and agreed to have one more presentation in the Overview session - A presentation on an alternate basic profile. It is a continuation of the BoF held in the last GGF. - Allocate 20 minutes: A person from UVa (Marty's team, probably Glenn) will give the presentation. - Also planning to have an ad-hoc BOF during GGF15. (UVa and Microsoft)