OGSA Teleconference - 26 September 2005 ======================================= * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (EMC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Manuel Pereira (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Minutes: Jem Treadwell, Andreas Savva * Minutes approval Sep. 19 and Sep. 21 minutes approved with no changes. * GGF15 update - Two sessions at GGF15 on Monday - no comments. * F2F Update - Facilities update by Jay: - A projector will be available. - Not sure if WiFi will be available. - Andrew cannot make it to the F2F for 11am on Thursday. So Hiro will swap OGSA-Naming and EMS/CDDLM/ACS sessions and re-send the schedule. * WS-MetaData discussion From the early days (OGSI), the properties of service data, e.g. read-only, write-only, static, freshness were part of the specs... WS-RF moved metadata to a separate document. The initial pass included putting metadata on operations, and other capabilities. WSDM thought this would be useful functionality. WSRF-TC has recently lost the editor of this document. A call for volunteers has not yielded a replacement yet. At the moment looking for someone from OGSA-WG or the Grid world to do it in the WSRF-TC. An alternative is for OGSA-WG to take it on. The WS-MetaData spec is composable with any other XML specification, not just WS-RP. So it might have wider application. Current document status: the draft has a lot of complexity; some ideas of how it could be simplified exist. And the first job would be to simplify it. It is not a big specification. Dave S encouraged people to consider taking th job of Editor of this document. Both Tom Maguire and Dave Snelling have indicated willingness to help with this document but they cannot take on the role of Editor. * Information Modelling discussion - Fred sent out a proposal to the list. - Following emails from Hiro and Ellen (and a private discussion with Ellen) this proposal is withdrawn in favor of Hiro's and Ellen's proposals. - Ellen's proposal calls for two deliverables: 1. A set of profiles - This is purely technical work. For example, - Identify a number of profiles that cover the EMS components and also define an overall profile for EMS. - The BES container model could be a good first point - A plan for the overall work would also be needed. - THe list of these profiles could be ready by the F2F. But Ellen and Fred do not think that they can go to the point of doing an outline for a specific profile by that time. 2. A document describing the "rules of engagement" for doing profiles - This could end up being an informational document. - Contents: How the work relates to information models; how it relates to CIM (and that it does not mean the whole CIM has to be used), that extensions can be done and so on. Also what the outline of such profiles would look like; what the GGF specific portion of such documents would be and so on. - The RM design team will be responsible for doing this document---at least to the point of a first draft. - It should (and needs to) be done fairly quickly. A strawman could be ready for review at the F2F. - And at the EMS session work on listing the set of proposed profiles. But the actual work on doing these profiles would start after the F2F. - In contrast Hiro placed more importance on having a worked example profile ready by the F2F. The BES container is something tractable, on which some work has been done already and could be ready (in first draft form) by the F2F. - Hiro volunteered to start working on the container profile. - Ellen and Fred are unlikely to have any time before. They will help as much as possible but since they don't expect to start working on the "Rules of engagement" before GGF15, it is unlikely to be able to help a lot before the F2F. - Andrea W's tool was mentioned. Noone on the call has actually tried it out yet. So it is not clear how useful it would be at this point. In any case content is more important than trying out tools at this moment. - Ellen to ask Andrea about the tool. - Fred outlined an agenda for the Information Modelling session at the F2F. - Review of guidelines document - Discussion of which profiles needed for EMS - Container, scheduling, etc. - Fred to send a formal agenda to Hiro. * Other news - The Roadmap is now published on GGF site - The Profile Definition is now in public comment - The WSRF BP is in GFSG review