======================================================================= ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: Sep 14 20:10-21:30 EDT 2005 / Sep 15 9:10-10:30 JST, 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Tom Studwell (IBM) - regrets Peter Ziu (Northrop) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Approval of the proposed contents for section "3.2 Concepts". As for reference to the external storage, we agreed to eliminate case 2) reference in the AAD. Pete proposed to include information for validation of external reference such as checksum or digest. Action: Keisuke to send updated version of section 3.2. (Done Sep 15) * Review of the proposed contents for section "3.3 Relationship to other activities". Section 3.3.3, which Keisuke posted earlier, is approved to be merged to the draft. Mike's EMS diagram are being reviewed by OGSA people. Action: Tom, Pete and Mike to write their part by next week or the following. 3.3.1 OASIS SDD TC - Tom 3.3.2 OGSA EMS Design Team - Mike, Pete 3.3.3 OGSA CDDLM WG - KF (Done) 3.3.4 OGSA Data WG - Mike, Pete 3.3.5 OASIS WSDM TC - Tom * Introduction of the proposed draft for the chapter 5.(5 min) Keisuke briefly introduced the proposed chapter 5 ARI spec. There was a discussion about the relationship with EMS services. How the provisioning service or information service can retrieve DD? AA instance exposed the information described in AAD as Resource Properties so that ACS clients can know the meta-information of the AA. ACS clients should know the key information to retrieve a certain content in the AA. Action: All to review the proposed draft. This will be reviewed at the next call. * Review of the schedule for draft writing. We should change the submission date from September to October.(Done by Mike) * Updates, GGF15 sessions (5 min) There was no comment about the GGF15 session schedule. Session #1, Oct 5 14:00 - 15:30 Session #2, Oct 5 18:00 - 19:30 http://www.ggf.org/gf/session_request/index.php?event=1&browse&order=5 * Next meeting Date: Sep 19 Mon 20:00 EDT/Sep 20 Tue 9:00 JST Calling #: 1-712-432-2000 (Lake Park, IA) Access Code: 7771111