====================================================================== ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: Aug 31 20:05-21:20 EDT 2005 / Sep 1 9:05-10:20 JST, 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Tom Studwell (IBM) Peter Ziu (Northrop) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Data transport with SOAP. Keisuke explained overview of SwA, related standards and his study about feasibility of adopting SwA in the "Create" message exchange. Material: d3Data transport with SOAP message.ppt The conclusion is that it is reasonable to adopt SwA for attaching AA document with "Create" message. Embedding base64-encoded data into SOAP message may also be used if the implementation does not support SwA. The topics may fall in implementation aspect rather than the specification, but it should be considered when designing the XML schema in the ARI. Also, we may include this information as non-normative description in the ACS draft. * Review of the proposed contents for section "3.1 Concepts". The WS-Word page format should be adjusted in letter size. Due to time restriction, we avoided skipped discussion on this. Action: All, to review the posted draft section 3.1 and make feedback on the ml by the next Wednesday. * Schedule for drafting a specification Keisuke proposed the approach to fill the placeholders in the current draft as much as possible toward the GGF15. Section 3.1 will be merged to the draft when approved. We will finish chapter 3 (Architecture) first, then go forward the following chapter. Action: All, to write their assigned part and post it to the ml. Action: Mike, to take care of security consideration chapter. * GGF15 DEADLINEs and sessions We agreed to submit request for two sessions on Wednesday, 5 Oct. (Done on 1 Sep, see Keisuke's post) We may have additional private meeting before the official session. * Wrap up, Next meeting Date: Sep 7 Wed 20:00 EDT/Sep 8 Thu 9:00 JST Calling #: will be announced later