OGSA Teleconference - 31 August 2005 ==================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes of August 29 approved without changes * Dec/Jan F2F update Hiro posted a new survey yesterday. So far there were 11 responses; a couple were anonymous and will be ignored. Overall it looks like the middle of Jan is preferred at the moment. http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/08/msg00117.html * GGF15 update - Requested 2 slots - Opening is on Monday, and there are WG sessions over 4 days - Trying to arrange for the OGSA Overview session to be immediately afterwards the Opening session * OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 review - Reviewed new version posted by Tom. - Section 8: this is the security text worked on during the last call. - It allows for the definition of multiple security profiles. Also multiple claims can be attached to a wsdl:portType so multiple (security) profiles can be used. - The minimal requirement is that the OGSABasicSecurity-1.0 claim must be present. - Tom to change the name of section 8.1.1; make it fit the text - The 'wsi' namespace is not in the namespace table. Tom to add. - Should there be a reference to wsi:claim in 2.2? - Not necessary but added explanatory text on 'attachment mechanisms' to line 164. - Other changes included namespace changes; remove dates form namespace URIs. - Tom to upload a clean copy and do a final call, possibly early next week. * Roadmap 1.0 review - Tom has completed both basic security profile entries and related changes. - Takuya to do an update for the OGSA AuthZ documents and send to Jem within the day. ** Trademark usage discussion - There has been an offline discussion on OGSA trademark and service mark usage, involving Greg Newby, Hiro, Tom, Jem, Andreas. - So far agreed to put the trademark mark on first use of /OGSA/ - And add Trademarks section on the first page (under the Copyright section) - Has GGF decided to trademark the OGSA phrase as well? And what is the status of the registration? - Hiro only knows that a trademark and service mark is being acquired for /OGSA/ only - Consensus to also try and trademark the phrase as well Action: Hiro will ask GGF to trademark the phrase as well. Also to register these not just in the US but in the UK and Japan also. - Use trademark as an adjective not as a noun - E.g., 'Oreo cookies' not 'Oreos' - The problem is that for the Roadmap there are 300+ instances of /OGSA/ so it is a lot of work to try and fix everything right now. - Is it worth it at this moment, especially for an already finished document given that there are no concrete GGF guidelines that can be expected to be enforced for all GGF documents (e.g., by the GGF Editor)? - Consensus is not yet, at least not for finished documents. - Ask the GFSG for guidelines? - Yes, ask GFSG/Legal Dept. for guidelines Action: Hiro to talk to Steve Crumb again about formal guidelines. - In summary, the tentative approach agreed on the call is - First use of OGSA should have TM (or SM) - Add a Trademarks section after the Copyright section - Beyond that, 'Use OGSA as an adjective' is left up to the individual editors until there is a firm GGF guideline. - Should the BP be changed too? Yes, as described above. Action: Jem will do a final call for the Roadmap 1.0 document on the list when the document is finished. - There is a new post-v1 Roadmap tracker. It has been set up to send mail to the list on new submissions only. * Next call - No call on Monday - Wednesday is EMS call (and WS-Agreement) - Need to refine agenda for that call - Andrew will talk with Ravi and prepare an agenda for that call