====================================================================== ACS Teleconference ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date and Time: August 24 20:10-20:40 EDT 2005 / August 25 9:10-9:40 JST, 2005 Participants: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) - minutes Tom Studwell (IBM) Peter Ziu (Northrop) - regrets Michael Behrens (R2AD) Sachiko Wada (ASCADE) - regrets ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Agenda We reordered agenda and pushed a few items to the next call since there was a request to cut out the call shorter. * The DEADLINE for submitting working drafts for GGF15 is Friday, 26 Aug 2005. We will send the latest working draft and keep updating by GGF15. Action: Mike, to send the proposal update for the spec. draft to the acs-wg ML by the end of Thursday. Action: Keisuke, to register (submit) the draft to the project page. Quote from GGF15 Chair Info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Post drafts for discussion at GGF15 into your current drafts folder in your GridForge project. When you request a working session at GGF15 you will be asked for the url(s) that point to your draft document(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The DEADLINE for scheduling requests for WG/RGs is Friday, 2 Sep 2005. We have two sessions, 45min and 90min. We agreed that it would be best to focus on meeting together to work out spec details, and the two sessions would be good for interactions with other groups. New proposals for sessions were not made. The joint sessions with OGSA spawn WGs, such as BES or data are among the candidate for joint session. We also can have private meetings in addition to the officially scheduled ones. The topic will be revisited at the next call. * OGSA F2F updates by Mike Reviewed OGSA F2F event, specifically the interactions with the CDDLM and the EMS (BES) representatives. Discussed the interaction diagram which was created as a sub-group during a break-out during the F2F. Mike will expand on this and show more interactions. Keisuke had some questions on it. Mike will add interactions to CSG and will clarify that provisioning service could mean CDDLM. * "Data transport with SOAP" in the agenda was pushed to the next call. Please take a look at it and be ready to discuss about it. * Updates and schedule for draft writing was skipped. * Wrap up, Next meeting Date: Aug 31 Wed 20:00 EDT/Sep 1 Thu 9:00 JST Calling #: will be announced later