OGSA Teleconference - 3 August 2005 =================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Mark Morgan (UVa) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Andreas Savva * August 1 minutes approved with no changes * GGF-DMTF work item There were some issues raised on the list, mainly in Hiro's emails. - Specific date for deliverables/milestones - In Tom's draft the milestone is Feb 2006. Agreed to 'loosen it up' by changing to 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2006. (Another motivation for this is so as not to compete with the related work item from Data.) - And also reword this milestone as "goal for an initial draft" - In any case, the final deadline will have to be negotiated with the DMTF. But the DMTF will not accept a work item that does not have a milestone. - Text on deliverable (all classes or selected only) - Discussed whether this should be a generic mapping or only for selected classes, and what that would mean. - Agreed to keep the request for 'generic' mapping but change the text from "DMTF will define" to "DMTF will work with OGSA to define". - And also add some words to explain what a 'generic mapping' means. Action: Tom M to revise the work item proposal and send to the list, Tom Roney, and the DMTF TC contacts. When sending to the DMTF TC, make it clear that this is a *tentative* proposal, not yet approved by the GFSG. * August F2F update Hiro updated schedule based on Monday's discussion. He contacted and got approvals from the affected group chairs. There was an OGSA EMS-CDDLM phone call before this call. Hiro has received an agenda for the OGDA-CDDLM F2F session and will merge it in the overall agenda. * OGSA Architecture and Glossary 1.5 No update. * Next Call Schedule ** Monday - Resource modelling discussion - Fred has started circulating a first draft to a small group of people. It will be reviewed Monday to check that it addresses the right area but detailed discussion on the content will be left for the F2F. - Provisioning ** Wednesday - OGSA AuthZ - Architecture and Glossary 1.5