OGSA Teleconference - 1 August 2005 =================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC) Tom Maguire (IBM) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Apologies: Mike Behrens, Pete Ziu, Chris Smith Minutes: Andreas Savva * July 27 minutes approved with no changes * WSRF BP 1.0 update WSRF BP 1.0 was submitted to the GGF Editor last Friday. * F2F update - Some security members can attend on Monday only. Others can join by phone but only during Monday morning. - Some BES members may be available only on Monday. - Agreed to shift Monday & Tuesday schedule: - Security starting at 09:30-10:30 - BES shifted by 1:30 hours - RSS for the last 90 minutes of the day; continuing on Tuesday morning. Actions: - Takuya to confirm new schedule with security participants - Andreas to confirm with Darren Pulsipher (BES) - Hiro to confirm with RSS group - Friday morning is scheduled for OGSA Arch 1.5 & Glossary 1.5 - Jem has a conflict and may not be able to dial in. - The Data group does not need a slot this F2F. - Agreed to move the OGSA Arch 1.5 and Glossary 1.5 discussion to Thursday afternoon Action: Hiro will update draft agenda and circulate before the next call. * OGSA Roadmap public comment review - Quick overview of the submitted public comments. - "Quality of work not..." The two bullets at the bottom of page 3 do not say that, but it may be somewhat implied. Agreed to revise text. - Also deleted "...rushing to this task..." in the leading paragraph. - "Normative OGSA ...": Jem to come up with revised text. - "Recommended profile": Add an explanatory sentence and citation to the Profile definition document. - Add new projects (submitted text) and change the list of projects at the top of section 8 so that additions or deletions do not cause changes. - Satoshi Itoh's comment. Agreed that it cannot be addressed in Roadmap 1.0. Leave for a future version of the Roadmap. - Toshi Nakata's comment: Partly along the same lines as Itoh's. Agreed this is future work. - Also - WS-Agreement is already mentioned as part of section 5.2.2. - It should also be mentioned in a potential Data profile as well. - Agreed to OGSA-AuthZ document addition. Action: Takuya will provide an entry for OGSA-AuthZ document by next week. Action: Jem will prepare a revision of the Roadmap based on the public comments for review next week. * GGF-DMTF register discussion Ref: http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00117.html ** Background There is an existing agreement between GGF and DMTF but it is obsolete. Tom Rooney was asked to update it. The question is whether OGSA has any concrete items for this work register. ** Milestones / Dates section - The current draft says "The DMTF will publicize the following..." - Agreed that this is a good start - It would also be useful to have WSDL for abstract porttypes for operations and properties defined by CIM so as to be able to mix in with GGF specifications, e.g., BES. - WS-CIM is doing this kind of work but for management endpoints. - Expect this mapping to XML to be generic. It should be common across multiple profiles. It should answer the question of "how to take a CIM class and express it as an abstract porttype and then use it in another specification." - Other groups (DAIS) have similar requirements; these requirements are partly represented by the last bullet in the current draft. - This rendering work is independent and separate from the resource modelling work that Fred is doing (change requests to the model). The modelling work is not part of this register. - This rendering may be part of the work of the WS-CIM WG or a subgroup. It would be nice (but not essential) to be able to point out which group should take this on. Action: Tom to draw up text and send out to the list within the day. If there are no objections, send the text to Tom Rooney and put forward to the DMTF TC. (There is a TC call tomorrow hence the need for urgency.) * OGSA Architecture and Glossary 1.5 Andreas gave an overview of what changes he expects to see in the Architecture document for the next version. (The Glossary is a companion to the Architecture document and should be updated accordingly.) - OGSA 1.5 is probably a conservative update. There is a lot of work in progress but it has not reached the level that can produce a substantially revised document. - A number of comments for OGSA 1.0 were postponed for later versions. All of these do not have to be addressed in 1.5 but they offer a starting point. A modified spreadsheet with these comments is uploaded on gridforge: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/deferred-ogsa-1.0-public-comments/en/1 (The name of the previous owner of each section and people who volunteered to work on it are in parentheses.) ** Abstract (Andreas) - Minor changes to bring in line with revised document ** 1. Introduction (Andreas) - Minor changes to bring in line with revised document ** 2. Requirements (Andreas) - Minor changes since the requirements are drawn from the use cases. - Are there any other new use cases that should be added? Probably not for this version. ** 3.1 Overview ** 3.2 OGSA Framework (Ravi?, Jem, Andreas) - From the 1.0 public comments there is a disconnect between this section and the rest of the document. Since architectural work is paused it might be worth trying to simplify and tie it in better with the rest of the document. There were also some terminology problems. ** 3.3 Infrastructure (Ian?, Tom, Jem) - It should be updated to reflect the work done on the Basic Profile. - Tom and Jem agreed to work on this section. - WSDM is mentioned in this section but work has not progressed sufficiently to make more concrete statements here or in other sections. Review status again at the F2F. - Naming should probably be moved to this section from Information services. (>Andrew) ** 3.4 Execution Management (Andrew) - At least minor changes to update with ongoing work in BES, RSS etc. - The terminology problems left unresolved in 1.0 should be fixed. ** 3.5 Data (Dave B) - The Data group(s) have been quite active. There is a draft Data Architecture document so this section should be updated to give a summary of that document, in the same way that [3.6 RM] is a condensed version of GFD-I.45. So a major revision of this section may be required. - There is a scheduling problem since the final version of the Data Architecture document is due in December. Agreed that an update based on a snapshot of that document would be acceptable. ** 3.6 Resource Management (Fred) From the public comments: - Look into refining sections 3.6.3 and 3.6.5. And from recent activities an update may be needed to include the results of the resource modelling work. Fred is working on a resource modelling document which will be reviewed next week. ** 3.7 Security (Frank, Takuya) Expecting minor revisions. - Can sections 3.7.5 and 3.7.6 be refined more? - Are other revisions are necessary to include the OGSA Authorization Attributes work? ** 3.8 Self-management (Jeffrin?, Andreas, Tom) Minor revisions, if any. This topic has been put on hold by the group. Tom volunteered to help with this section. ** 3.9 Information (Bill?, Abdeslem, Andrew?) - Minor revisions since the Information Architecture document is on hold. - Some updates for the INFO-D work may be in order. - Naming should be moved out of this section and updated. ** Glossary This is a companion document and should be updated accordingly. ** Overall - Make sure that the document is tied better together---especially but not limited to the "Interactions with the rest of OGSA" sections in each capability section. - The level of description of the various capabilities should, as far as possible, be made more consistent. But this is difficult to achieve since work on the capabilities is not progressing uniformly. Andreas to follow up with capability owners. * Next Call - F2F update (if any) - OGSA 1.5 discussion (depending on who is present)