OGSA Teleconfence - 13 July 2005 ================================ * Participants Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Jay Unger (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Mark Morgan (UVa) Tom Maguire (IBM) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Apologies: Andrew Grimshaw Minutes: Andreas Savva * July 11 Minutes approved with no changes * August F2F meeting update ** Venue - Andreas is following up with the (Fujitsu) Sunnyvale arrangements. - Jay is contacting Almaden ** Schedule - ByteIO requested an earlier slot (not Friday) - Mark has to leave early and Neil cannot make Friday - Considered and rejected moving Naming to Friday - It is likely that ByteIO will not need a half-a-day slot. - Agreed that having a regular session on Friday is not a good idea. Friday morning should be reserved for wrap up. - And that the sessions could start earlier on other days to accomodate the extra session. - Agreed to start early on Thursday and put ByteIO in that slot. - WSDM conflict - Jay/Fred could not contact Heather yet. - Not sure about Allen L's schedule. (Affects Data session) * OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 Security section review Based on draft sent out by Takuya http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00037.html - Sec.8.1. Should use the same style as the other sections. - Add a statement that there are no extensibility points beyond those in WS-I BSP. (Takuya) - l.451: References should be in the same style as the rest of the document. Delete. (Takuya) - Also, if the TLS and HTTP-TLS references are not cited they should be deleted (Confirmed they can be cited against other text.) (Takuya) - l.454: Text added in response to tracker 1320 (require one or the other). Change is ok. - Sec.8.1.2: On mandating the use of mutual authentication - Latha's comment needs followup. Since Latha is not on the call, follow up by email and finalize at next Monday's call. - Agreed that this requirement is very restrictive. - This was discussed at the Security session at GGF14. The reason given for mandating it, is that the profile addresses inter-organization (server to server) interactions and that the expectation is that those interactions must be secured. If operating in some special environment it might be possible to do things differently but then interoperability is not the main concern.(?) - The concern with mandating this requirement is that it sets too high a bar, especially for existing middleware. Very few, if any, systems do this at the moment. (The mechanism of acquiring and validating credentials is the problem not their usage afterwards.) It seems overly restrictive and many people might not be able to comply to this profile because of this. - The consensus on the call was therefore to soften this requirement. Specifically to change the requirement from MUST to SHOULD (or possibly RECOMMENDS; semantically equivalent to SHOULD but slightly different nuance). - Sec.8.1.3: Changes are ok. - [Comment JT8]: Clarified that the introductory paragraph is informative text and should not use normative terminology. Only the compliance statements should do so. - There are a couple of places where this is not observed and they should be checked and changed during for the final review. (Hiro) - Sec.8.1.4: Add a normative reference to XML-Signature (Takuya) - And also rebuild the table at the back (Hiro) - Sec.8.1.5: Changes are ok. - Sec.8.1.6: Re-write the first paragraph in the same style as the other sections. (Takuya) - R0824: Appendix A reference is wrong and should be fixed. (Takuya) - Sec.8.1.7: SAML Token Profile 1.0 reference is needed. Also by adding this reference an earlier section that discusses the relation of this profile to other profiles has to be updated (Takuya) - Otherwise ok. - Appendix E - l.936: The definition of EndpointKeyInfo should also be added to the normative schema in Appendix D. (Takuya) - Editing Actions: 1. Takuya to update the document and put on gridforge as draft 25 2. Hiro to update table 3. If anyone wants the pen talk to Hiro after that. * Other Business ** Roadmap document - Public comment ends July 29 - No comments received yet - All group members should solicit comments for this document ** Resource modelling - Confirmed that Resource modeling is on the agenda of the Monday call. - Jay, Mark, Andrew had a call to discuss the issue. They will also discuss it in the BES call. ** Agenda for Monday call 1. Final call on BP 2. Resource modelling 3. RNS specification review