OGSA Teleconference - 11 July 2005 ================================== * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Soonwook Hwang (NAREGI) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC) Steven Newhouse (OMII) Manuel Pereira (IBM) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Apologies: Mark Morgan, Mike Behrens Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes approval July 6 minutes approved with minor changes. Details: http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00017.html * F2F (August 2005) Update - Fixed for August 15, at Sunnyvale (about 40 minutes from SF) - Fujitsu to provide facilities (with internet access) - (With Almaden (Jay) as backup) - (And Hitachi (Fred) as secondary backup) - There was no a perfect choice and unfortunately a number of people (Chris Smith, Frank Siebenlist, Dave Snelling, Ravi Subramaniam) may not be able to attend. But more people would be unable to attend the week of Aug 29. - Sunnyvale was chosen over La Jolla since many people are based there. It is also unlikely that sufficient rooms can be reserved at La Jolla---it is peak holiday season. - There is a possible conflict with WSDM F2F, which is scheduled for the same week. - Jay and Fred will try to resolve this conflict (move to a different week or extend the period, etc). * GGF14 ** Minutes approval All minutes except security session (#10) have been uploaded. Action: Takuya to look into getting the security session minutes online - Approval for security session minutes (session 10) postponed. - Minutes for session 2-6, 8-9 approved with no changes. - Minutes for session 1 (Outreach) approved with changes: - informational profile clarification added - change 'level' to 'version' - Minutes for session 7, 11, 12 approved with minor changes. Details: http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00024.html ** Followup discussion - Mailing list for 'mws' BOF not set up yet. - No agreement on the name yet. It should be something that does not prejudice for or against single or multiple basic profiles. - Name proposals: x ogsa-fbp-bof (future basic profile) x ogsa-nbp-bof (next basic profile) o ogsa-bp-bof x ogsa-wsm-bof Agreed on ogsa-bp-bof. Action: Hiro will email Joel to set up ogsa-bp-bof list. ** OGSA Naming WG - There is now a Naming WG site is up - Minutes (session 5) will also be copied there - The OGSA Naming WG will be cross-posting to the OGSA list for a while Action: Manuel to send an email to publicize the group's site and mailing list (done) ** GGF14 impressions - Sessions went very well. There was a lot of discussion with groups related to OGSA. - In particular CDDLM-WG is getting more involved in OGSA; trying to place themselves (and ACS) in EMS architecture. * Resource model and BES discussion - It is unclear how or where the resource modelling work should continue now that BES has put it out of scope. - One option is to do this work in the context of RSS or perhaps even spawn a new group dedicated to resource modelling. The coordination problem is not insignificant, however. It is not yet clear how to proceed with this work. - BES put this work out of scope on the assumption that selection is over by the time a request reaches the BES container. (Also due to the fear that if the resource modelling work was taken on then it would cause the overall BES work to stall.) - Since RSS deals with resource selection it is probably a better (right?) place to do this modelling effort. - There is a concern that leaving this modelling work for later may cause rework of specs. This is not intended to stop ongoing work until the resource modelling is finished but to make sure people are aware of the risk. - BES is not doing modelling so the problem may not be that big - RSS would have to tackle this work---so it is probably going to be tackled relatively soon The consensus is that this topic needs more discussion. - Agreed that interested parties should discuss this offline, followed by discussing it on the BES call this week, followed by discussing it again in the OGSA call next Monday. - This activity is part of the coordination between OGSA & OGSA-BES WG * OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 review - Review of draft 22 posted on gridforge: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/draft-ggf-ogsa-wsrf-basic-profile/en/16 - Table 1.1 - Namespace URIs for WSN specs need fixing. (Tom) - Table 2.1 - It is incorrect. Delete table and put the section back the way it was in v021. (Tom) - Add the ogsa-bp namespace and prefix in Table 1.1 (Tom) - E0303 addition accepted. - R0311 deletion of 'subject to amendment ..." accepted. - Latha's comment on R0424 about listing faults for other operations for consistency. - Agreed that the BP should not be duplicating statements that already appear in other specs. The faults listed for the WSN Subscribe operation (R0614-16) were not part of that specification when they were enumerated in the BP. They are now, so those statements should be deleted. - Delete comment (Tom) - Delete R0614-16 (Tom) - R0429: Tom to do canonicalization proposal. Then decide whether to keep this compliance statement in the spec or not. - R0511: Agreed for consistency with previous paragraph to change MUST to SHOULD. - Also revised "message exchange" to use the normative operation names. - R0513 and R0515: For consistency with previous paragraph change MUST to SHOULD - Otherwise new text on scheduled termination looks ok. - Sec.6.1.1: Comment about MESSAGE reqt seems obsolete; delete - R0711: Deletion of "subject to amendment..." accepted - Section 8: Review postponed for next call since Frank is still revising this section. - References - Tom to update references, in particular the WSRF CDs are now in public comment. Also the WSN CDs - Confirmed that the WS-Addressing reference is the correct one - Copyright in schema: Hiro asked GGF Editor and waiting for reply. It is not a show-stopper. - What is the relation of appendix C and D, and can they be merged? - C defines the infoset, pseudo schema and also gives a description of semantics while D only provides syntax. They are not completely equivalent and should be left separate. - Update Appendix F with new table (Hiro) - Table 8-? are misnumbered and should be fixed (Andreas) - Schedule: - Wednesday: - Review Tom's canonicalization proposal - Review security section - Next Monday: - Final call review - Tom will post an updated version (done) * Next steps ** RNS specification review - Proposal to put a review of this document on the agenda of a future OGSA call - Agreed to schedule it for next Monday (7/18); 60 minutes slot - Manuel will give a short (15-20 minutes) presentation of the specification - Purpose is for OGSA-WG to comment (since OGSA is going to be one of the 'customers' of this spec) in preparation for the document's submission