OGSA Teleconference - 6 July 2005 ================================= * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Apologies: Mike Behrens Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes approval June 22 minutes approved with no comments * F2F Update Proposal is for the week of Aug 29 at SDSC - Jay may have a conflict that week and the week before (Aug 22) - Dave B also may have a conflict the week of Aug 29. - Mark is away from August 20. - Hiro cannot make week of August 22 - Allen L might have travel restrictions so Santa Clara might be a better choice than San Diego. - Discussed alternatives: - Week after (Sep 5) is Labour week - GGF15 is the first week of October so it cannot be after Labour week - The week of Aug 15 was the only other alternative that most people on the call could identify. - But Hiro cannot stay the whole week; he would have to leave Friday. - Agreed that it is necessary to fix the dates soon since (especially) the week of Aug 15 is peak holiday season. - Since the meeting will include fellow WG sessions they should also be consulted. Action: Hiro will ask people for their availability and the group will make a firm decision by next call (Monday) * GGF14 evaluation - Not all presentations or minutes are on gridforge yet. Action: People who presented in OGSA-WG GGF14 sessions should put their presentations online. Action: Minute takers to put their minutes on gridforge. There was good attendance of OGSA sessions, but overall GGF14 seemed poorly attended---about 350 people compared with a typical 450. Also there did not seem to be a lot of press. (Usually it is not planned but some people turn up.) Allan W's article in Grid Today on OGSA was very good. One possibility for the low attendance might be the holiday season, and perhaps the location. Since the next GGF is co-scheduled with GridWorld it should be better attended. (But GridWorld is probably overlapping completely with GGF15.) In any case it seems a good idea to leave the planning up to a professional meeting planner like IDG. Working days were too long. Also the rooms were too big; could have subdivided them further and have more parallel sessions. Or do smaller slots: 45 minutes instead of 1:30 and allow for double slots. For OGSA-WG at GGF15 the plan is to have fewer sessions during GGF (mainly do outreach) and to do a f2f separately. Discussed venue options for this f2f. - The GGF hotel if rooms are available - The Lotus facility is fairly close - Hitachi facility is not far GGF16+ dates are not fixed yet but are likely to be close to the following dates: GGF16: Feb 20, 27 GGF17: May 9-12 GGF18: Sep 25-29 Also it would be nice to have a simple way to import the GGF schedule into a pda etc. * OGSA WSRF BP 1.0 review Using the version that Latha sent out on the list. http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00008.html - There are no open issues on Gridforge. Used the list that Hiro sent out. This list incorporates Latha's comments but not the security-related changes that Takuya and Frank made separately. http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2005/07/msg00006.html l90: 'open standard': Agreed to use the same terminology as in the profile definition. Action: On next pen holder. l213: E0302 claims extensibility elements for wsa:Metadata. Is extensibility for wsa:ReferenceParameters necessary? - Check and add if there is an extensibility element in the referenced spec. Action: On next pen holder. l222: R0311: Delete the 'subject to amendment' portion since this profile does not contain any amendments Action: On next pen holder. l339: (Latha's comment) We probably want to say something here about throwing the same faults that GetMultipleResourceProperties message does. Same comment for all other messages such as Destroy, Subscribe etc. - Not sure why faults are described for notification only. Tom authored this section. Action: Andreas to check with Tom whether there was a special reason for this or whether similar text should be added in other places l363: (Tom's comment) There are 2 specs need to chose which is appropriate. Still needs work. - Open. Action: Tom to follow up. l384: Scheduled Destruction should be added. - There is mention earlier on (l125) that the profile covers this functionality. - Agreed that it should be added to the BP. Action: On next pen holder. l394: (Jem and Latha's comment) Sentence rewriting. - Revision looks fine. - But the subsequent normative text does not make the distinction that the non-normative text makes. The normative sentences (R0511 & R0512) have to be checked and revised. Action: Latha & Andreas l412: (Tom's comment)Add MESSAGE reqt. Action: Latha to follow up with Tom. l450: (Hiro's comment) Don't we need extensibility points for Base Faults? I think we need to carry detailed fault information. - Some problem with the base faults specification. It will have to be fixed after public comment. (The schema will probably change and not have extensibility elements.) - Agreed to leave as is for now; review and tidy it up later. l463: Since there is no amendment in the Profile, should we delete this line? Action: Next pen holder to delete 'amendment' text. l566: Contributors and Acknowledgment sections - Reviewed and accepted Hiro's proposal. l620: WS-BN should be evolving before final submission. - Reference needs update once the CD versions are approved. Action: Hiro will update the master spreadsheet and Appendix F. ** Tracker review Reviewed 'resolved' issues: 1223: Fixed but need comment that the resolution was slightly different (Andreas to put comment in) 1227: Closed(obsolete) 1294: Leave as resolved until the versions are fixed. 1355: fixed ** Other discussion - Should the GGF copyright be included in the schemas? - Action: Hiro to ask GGF Editor (Greg) about it. - Namespace URI format? - There is a proposal to the GGF Editor but it is not formalized yet - Agreed to leave as is and wait for Greg's comment - Security fixed issues need to be verified - Some futher security modifications were done by Frank during a GGF14 session - Hiro is waiting for the draft from Frank. - Profile review will continue next Monday