OGSA Teleconference - 22 June 2005 ================================== * Participants Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC, ANL) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwel (HP) Apologies: Tom Maguire Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes approval Minutes of June 13, 15 and 20 approved with no changes. * GGF14 preparation Reviewed sessions and assignments ** Session 1 - Hiro and Tom to give overview of OGSA activities. - Jem and Tom to give overview of the three documents (Profile definition, WSRF Basic Profile, Roadmap). A more detailed look at the documents in session 3. ** Session 2 - Andrew to lead. - It conflicts with MWS-BoF. - Fred volunteered to lead this EGA session if Andrew decides to attend the MWS-BoF instead. ** Session 3 - More detailed look at Profile definition, WSRF BP and Roadmap documents. - Hiro is looking for a place to have the "Next Step" discussion. Since Tom will attend only on Tuesday Hiro is thinking of using part of this session. Action: Hiro to talk to Tom and arrange a slot for the "Next Step" discussion; possibly in this session. ** Session 4 - Andrew to lead. - DMTF Utility WG wants a half-hour for a presentation(?) - Note this is not the RSS-BoF. The BoF is on the next day. - Conflicts with a Resource management session. ** Session 5 - Since the OGSA Naming-WG has been approved this is not an OGSA-WG session anymore. ** Session 6 - Fred is looking for a minute taker. - This is a working session; focus is technical discussion. ** Session 7 - Fred is looking for a minute taker. - Resource Model discussion (another working session) - Unfortunately this conflicts with security, data transfer, etc. ** Session 8 - In-depth technical discussion about WSDM ** Session 9 - How to use WSDM in OGSA specifications - Plan is for - WSDM presentation - CDDLM presentation - OGSA BP presentation - Need someone to give this presentation or Fred may do it himself if there is a ready presentation. - Fred to look into using the slides from Session 3. (Probably Tom's.) (There is a separate WSDM demo session. But it conflicts with many OGSA sessions. Fred will ask for the WSDM demo to start early so that if people leave the town hall meeting early (say 15 minutes earlier) they can still have a look.) ** Session 10 Recently an OGSA-AuthZ document was submited. One topic here should be to clarify the role of this document since it uses the 'OGSA' name. There are also a number of data related security issues. But due to conflicts Dave B is planning to arrange a separate teleconf after GGF14 to discuss them. ** Session 11 Abdeslem is the owner of this session. Hiro will follow up with him. ** Session 12 - This is the design team review meeting. Unfortunately many people cannot attend: Tom, Fred, Takuya, and Frank. - Team leaders who cannot attend should write up slides and ask someone else to present them. ** Other There has been no request for a phone bridge for any session. Hiro is not planning not set up one this time. There is a WSDM F2F in the IBM building, approximately 1 mile away from the hotel. It will be on Thursday and Friday and WSDM TC members can attend. * Profile definition review Discussed the document state and how likely it is to be able to submit this week. It looks difficult but doable. But it may have to be a very short final call. In any case submitting at the end of this week is partly symbolic---the group can say the document was submitted at the outreach session at GGF14. - Reviewed Jem's version (later revised and uploaded to gridforge by Andreas as v1.013) - Reviewed revised table - Jem added legend and fixed the formatting of the table. - Discussed using 'document' to mean 'profile or specification' in certain cases. Agreed it's ok, if it is in a context that does not cause confusion. The usage should be explained in advance, perhaps by putting a sentence in the "Terminology" section. - Section 3.3: - Added text (bullets) as proposed by Hiro. But the two sets say similar things. Reduced to one. - Also made the distinction between the bullets clearer (mandatory/optional distinction). - Started making a distinction between 'profile' and 'Profile' - Andreas will re-check usage during his review (done) - Added statement that informational profile references must also be consistent. - Added acknowledgments. - Discussed whether to have separate Contributors but decided that it is not important for this document. - Discussed who to add. Looked up recent review meetings and put a list together. - The list needs to be reviewed. - Introduction - An introduction section is needed. - Andreas to do a first pass. (done) - Adoption of profile - It was discussed and agreed on an earlier call that it is not correct to talk about a profile being implemented/adopted. But some text is needed to explain why. - Drafted text (profiles define compliance targets not implemention targets) and Andreas will review and possibly revise. (done) - Review Dave S's comment on adding more explanation on why adoption level does not apply to the entire referenced specification but only to those parts that are used in a conformance target. - Added text and Andreas will review and possibly revise for next version (done). - Jem will send his working draft to Andreas. Andreas will revise and upload the next draft within the day. (done) * Basic Profile review Tom could not make the call. Reviewed some BP security issues with Takuya. - Andreas cannot confirm the security related artifacts on the BP tracker. He asked Takuya to check these and post a comment in each artifact whether it can be closed or not. Andreas will then close them. - Appendix E review (security) - A number of minor comments from Hiro. - l.782 WS-Addressing reference should be to 1.0 - l.785 Delete the line - l.810-830: The XML fragment needs reformating - l.830-845: Dangling references - Takuya to check comments on appendix E and make updates. (Talk with Tom about getting the pen on the document or just update the appendix and send it to Tom.)