OGSA Teleconference - 15 June 2005 ================================== * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Alain Luniewski (IBM) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) * Document status review ** Roadmap - Document needs update with new tables - A couple of issues: - WS-Addressing: do we need 2 entries or not? Who is using the 'note'? RNS, Notification spec.) - Can refer to the old one but cannot submit - WS-BaseNotification: there is an updated draft but it is not yet available to the general public. - (For BP) Is it ok to point to this version now or wait for the document to be released first? - Agreed that it is better to highlight what is expected to change but leave the old reference for now. - Some intermediate drafts are in what looks like a public place; Not sure if they have been really made public. Action: Tom will check with other OASIS TC members on what the status of these documents is. - There will be a Roadmap snapshot tomorrow. - Still waiting for other OSS entries; there may be more changes if any are submitted. ** Basic Profile - Tom is planning to upload a new version tomorrow ** Basic profile definition - Agreement on the call that Hiro's and Andreas' proposal and draft are ok. - Andreas has the pen. He will check with Dave S and then upload a revised document. On a side note: - The WSRF ResourceProperties spec seems to have the wrong ws-addressing reference. It is referencing the 'head' version which changes each time there is a new draft. It should instead be pointing to the released 1.0 version. - Tom will send a comment and note to the list about this. * OGSA Co-chair nomination Tom has been approved as OGSA-WG co-chair in the last GFSG call Action: Andreas to update the OGSA-WG home page accordingly. * GGF14 preparation - GGF14 schedule is publically available. - Tom will only be attending Tuesday - Hiro will update the OGSA-WG schedule and send out a new draft of the excel sheet. - OGSA session #10 (security) is scheduled Thursday. Unfortunately, Frank will leave Wed evening, Takuya is planning to leave Thursday early. So there is noone to lead. - Hiro will look into moving it to an earlier slot. * Fellow WG status report ** Data - F2F in late May - Architecture document is stabilizing. Not complete but getting filled in. - Also working on a use case document. - Will have joint session with Transaction group at GGF14 - Security: started understanding requirements (life science) - Trying to switch outreach session (07:30am) with a later one ** Other groups - Hiro forwarded status emails he received to the list. * Next step discussion draft - Send out by Hiro to the list. It is a first-cut proposal on the topics that OGSA-WG may consider working on after GGF14. It is expected that it will be discussed again at GGF14 and afterwards. - Should profile definition be called 'template'? It can be read the wrong way. Agreed that it is ok as is. - Job manager API may (is likely to) be an elaboration of the BES. Should we push to make this explicit in the BES activity? Probably not urgent. Everyone understands this already. - Would also require looking into SAGA, DRMAA, and existing systems. - Resource virtualization: needs a more refined description. It is not a single thing and it means different things to different people. It is inappropriate to make it a single item. - Proposed: Common set of interfaces that apply across resources - Grid resource model - It is now (being) done for BES. Also should be done for data and so on. - Information and monitoring: Need to talk with Abdeslem more. - (On a side note, there are no plans anymore to form a Logging WG due to insufficient commitment.) - Security specific issues: - A number of issues around authorization, propagating attributes, expressing policies, VO management etc. - Takuya to write up list of candidate work items. - Doing a WSRF BP Interop. - Trying to get a handle on all the work that needs to be done; how public should it be; etc. - Would require definition of test cases/message patterns, scenarios, etc - It is good as an idea but it is unclear how much work is needed. Also there is no experience within GGF. (CDDLM tried once but run into problems.) - But if done right, could generate an experience document easily. - Use cases document: EGR activities are slow; there might not be a handover. Action: Hiro to update based on today's discussion. Revisit at GGF14. And choose the ones to work on after GGF14. * Next call - Draft document review - CDDLM review