OGSA Teleconference - 13 June 2005 ================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Kazushige Saga (NAREGI) Takuya Mori (NEC, ANL) Tom Maguire (IBM) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Soonwook Hwang (NAREGI) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Dave Berry (NeSC) Mike Behrens (R2AD LLC) * Minutes All minutes approved with minor changes (see Hiro's email on the list). Action: Andreas and Mark to update minutes with revisions. * Israel Grid presentation - One day workshop; there was a request via GGF for OGSA-WG participation. - September timeframe; exact time not decided. - Andrew, Dave Snelling, Dave Berry proposed and declined. No volunteers on the call. - Jay might be able to arrange for someone from IBM to do it. He will check and give the group an answer sometime next week. (Whether it is possible or not.) - Meanwhile, if other people are interested they are welcome to come forward. - This is probably an introductory/overview presentation - Probably now it should be focused on the Roadmap document - Jem proposed making a presentation that anyone in the group could use. - Dave B has put together a presentation for another event. He is willing to give it to the group. Action: Dave B to send his presentation to Hiro et al. Andrew will review Dave B's presentation and bring it up to date. Action: Hiro will reply to Steve Crumb that the group is looking into it, but nothing concrete yet. * Basic profile review - Some comments from Mike; integrated in v18 - Rule change for numbering statements? - 'E' starts as 0x; 'R' as 11 - The assumption is that no more than 10 extensibilitiy points per section; holds for now. - Discovery update (resource properties; Section 4.1) - Added definitions for the remaining resource properties - No schema yet; - l.243 is copy paste mistake; needs update. - FinalWSResourceInterface: endpoint to which message was addressed - SHOULD and not MUST (and usage of SHOULD in this section) - The resource property elements are optional in the schema. So they might not be there. But it is recommended that they be provided by an instance. Hence the message exchange is described in terms of 'SHOULD' - This is the subtlety that Tom was trying to put across but it needs more explanation for clarity. - Can get this information with get resource property or get multiple resource properties; (Initially described both but ended to also have to declare 'retrieval'; revised for simplicity) - No cardinality. Need to do schema; cannot put it on global elements. Tom to look into it it again. Action: Tom will do one more appendix; infosets to describe the Resource Properties - Changed references (urls to ggf site) - Profile definition is not a normative reference (it is an information document) - Appendix E text needs update. (copy-paste problem) - Appendix B is wrong; these statements should be for this profile not the WS-I ones. Tom will update. ** Security - There is an inconsistency between the minutes and the text in the WSRF BP. Action: Takuya to follow up and confirm whether the text is correct. - Marty's comment on list? Follow up is expected. But it may be a discussion best done during public comment. * Profile definition review ** Update references or not (WS-Addressing etc) - Proposal is to update (based on hiro's email to the list) - Refer to stable versions of same maturity and if referring to same spec must be the same version - Can't submit WSRF BP according to this rule; but can explain it at GGF14 and then submit afterwards. * Roadmap document review - Lots of minor changes - GT4 update; minor tweaking to the text - NAREGI text is too long; Kazushige to shorten - Is this section intended to be a short list or can anyone who wants contribute to it? - Confirmed that it is open to anyone who wants to contribute (and is working on developing OGSA software) - Proposed to ask on the list. Make it clear that submissions have to be specific on what parts of OGSA the project is implementing. - Is this section just for OSS or can companies also contribute? - Do we have any companies committing? Not sure that any company has publically committed. - Agreed to make the invitation more open to include commercial interests as well. Action: Jem will send an email to the list; put a (tight) time limit on it. ** Spreadsheet review Reviewed Jem's efforts in automating the spreadsheet and tables. Considered ways of automating this further as there is still a manual synchronization step. Again, Mac problems are one issue. The second issue is that the tables have to be included in other documents as well (the individual profile documents). - Also provide a reference or hyperlink to document or WG. (Sometimes a document is not publically available? They should be to be referenced.) - Expand acronyms and also include them. - Add Master table in roadmap appendix also. Action: Andreas to send POSIX and CIM references to Jem. - WS-Addressing W3C note: this is the 2004/08 submission. Specs that are using this version should be updating to the standard version (March) - The RNS spec is using the note. Hiro has already contacted them to get them to change to the new version. - Should there also be a refererence to WSDL, SOAP etc? WS-I profiles refer to specific versions; but not everyone is actually referring to them. - References are sometimes through profiles and sometimes through other specifications. Do we want to be specific about these? - There should be a policy statement on what is/should be included to each submitter of entries. - Reviewed and updated the master table. - There are many different shades of classification. There was an argument to add notes for clarity; and how to do those notes. E.g., add a number and put a note against that number, or put arrows into the expected direction (column). - What is the WS-I BP & BSP status? - Again this raised the issue whether we can talk about implementing a profile. - If there is an open implementation of WS-I so can we move it to de-facto? - Do we need to tweak the definition of institutional to include what may not be 'standards' bodies? (Is WS-I a standards body?) Mike B also proposed doing a timeline. Decided to defer this for a later version. Agreed that there will probably not be a new vesion ready for review by Wednesday. Do it on mailing list or next Monday. If there are updated to the spreadsheet send to Jem. - Why is WSDM not included? - No reference to it yet. - It has been talked about. And there will be a joint session at GGF14. - OGSA-WG has to consider what to discuss with them - ACS may be using WSDM. Mike B to check with Keisuke.