OGSA Teleconference - 16 May 2005 ================================= * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Mathias Dalheimer (Fraunhofer-ITWM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC, ANL) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ken Wood (Hitachi) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Minutes: Andreas Savva * May F2F Agenda review ** Sunday - Still waiting for a draft BES agenda ** Monday *** RSS - Correction: Use cases will not be from RSS but from the GSA-RG - Also it is not a document review but a presentation - The plan is to make sure that the EMS architecture and what the RSS group have in mind fits. *** Profile template Both Tom & Dave are in the Bay around at the moment so they can't make the call. But the group can expect an 'almost final' document review. ** Thursday ByteIO agenda will be provided after that group's call tomorrow * GGF14 schedule review - Tuesday is the plenary. So our sessions should be Wednesday and Thursday - Session 10: the security team will discuss security issues relating to the basic profile * EGA reference model introduction [The EGA Reference Model can be downloaded from the EGA site: http://www.gridalliance.org/] Not many people have read at the EGA document. Fred gave an introduction of the EGA reference for those who have not had the chance to look at it yet. ** Introduction - Overview of purpose of EGA. - The focus is on Enterprise grid computing requirements. - The impression is that they focus at a more basic(lower) level than the OGSA group. ** Reference model - Defined term 'grid component' to capture the 'smallest' unit of interest (and so avoid the grid resource/service definition problem that OGSA had). - The basic modeling of the problem is expressed in the reference model; and how to deal with things is based on this model. - Lifecycle of components is defined around provisioning - There is a grid management entity (GME) (fig 1.) - This entity is not defined in detail. It may or may not include brokering and so on. - Grid component classes: not normative. Can be mapped to other specifications. - The view of components seems to be defined around provisioning. - Grid view defined by management scope: - Accounting & billing is a 'first class entity' maybe to accomodate chargeback and internal accounting mechanisms. - The approach seems to be the opposite to that of GGF. GGF is coming from a higher level trying to define a framework. While EGA tries to solve a narrower problem (and possibly generalize later). - Component lifecycle - A component out of the defined lifecycle states is not under the control of the GME. - The way that things are defined by the Reference model and how things are packaged into products may be different. The view given in the document is a logical view. - Figure XVII: Nothing really contradictory with OGSA; perhaps indicating an alignment with OGSA/GGF Sometimes the EGA document provides a more concrete rendering of ideas (a middle to bottom level rendering). ** Use cases - The use cases are at lower level than the OGSA ones. (Close to UML use cases.) ** Glossary Defines a small set of terms. ** Overall - Could look at the EGA document as a set of requirements. - There was a proposal to merge use case documents. But the level of the two documents is different and it would be difficult to do a straight merge - A joint-session is being planned at GGF14.