OGSA Teleconference - 11 May 2005 ================================= * Participants Jem Treadwell (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Manuel Pereira (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC, ANL) Mark Morgan (UVa) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Allen Luniewski (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Minute: Andreas Savva * May F2F update Hiro has confirmed room reservation. He will put it on the draft agenda and circulate it soon. Jem arrives 9:00am Monday. So won't make it before 11:00am or so. Do not schedule roadmap and profile discussion on Monday morning. GGF14: dates confirmed as June 27-30. Registration and hotel reservation now open. * GGF14 schedule update - Utility WG will piggy back on the EMS session - 'Submitted documents' discussion session: moved forward and made an outreach session - Naming: if WG is approved by that time then change the owner to be the Naming WG. Keep in OGSA otherwise. Added agenda. - Security session: (Waiting) - An Information session is needed too - Add JSDL to the "Avoid conflicts" column for sessions 2,4 and 5. - Design team report would also hopefully include Fellow WGs. Changed to outreach type. * Fellow WG Report ** ByteIO-WG (Mark) - Became a sanctioned WG - Set up email list. Some subscription requests received - 3-4 teleconfs in total; 2 since last report. - [Participants: as many as 4-5 as few as 2] - Started work on Use cases. - Use case template inspired by OGSA one; circulated to OGSA-WG and ByteIO-WG - Continue going over that preparing use cases - Prepare for F2F and GGF14 ** Data-WG (Allen) - Approved as a WG 2-3 weeks ago. - There are about 20 people on the mailing list. - Weekly calls: about 5 people on average take part - Technical issues: storage mgmt, replication - Security has also come up as an issue; in the context of how to propagate things around. Perhaps something that a Security WG might tackle. But the problem has not been looked at in detail yet. - Transactions - Preparing for F2F; and then GGF14 planning - Maybe 3 sessions at GGF14. ** BES-WG (Mark on behalf of Andrew) - A few calls held already; started before approval. - Charter discussion - Proposed interface doc review - WS-Agreement review and whether WS-Agreement is an appropriate choice - Started technical discussion; ongoing - The mailing list name should be fixed: change 'bof' to 'wg'. Also add mailing list prefix to mail messages - Mark to talk to Andrew. ** Naming (Manuel) - Not formed yet; moderate progress - First call this Monday: discuss charter, scope, deliverables. - Review existing standards and which parts of the picture they fill in. - First goal is to fix the charter ** Monthly report - Is a monthly report call good enough or not? - ByteIO has biweekly calls so it is too short - Proposal to send a short summary to the list rather than doing a report on the call. * Roadmap document review ** Section 3.2: discussion on how general the contents should be; if too general then will have to revisit. The plan is still to submit for GGF14. ** Candidate list review The list of candidates was sent to the OGSA mailing list by Hiro. Reviewed the list and decided which ones to include in the Roadmap and which to leave out. [merge complete: means merged into the Roadmap document] - OGSA 1.5 and Profiles: have to get a handle on what may need to change before actually talking about dates and so on. - Andreas and Jem to do a preliminary review. - Profile definition: no change in status - ByteIO UC: change status from 3 to 4 - Data Architecture: change status from 3 to 4 '0' documents: leave out till there is a firm commitment to produce the document. - ByteIO interface: change status from 3 to 4. - BES: Schedule is from charter. Waiting for rest of the text from Andrew. - JSDL: Draft being checked by co-chairs. Andreas will submitted it after that. Change status from 1 to 2. - WS-Agreement: Ask Jim Pruyne to write up this section. Change status from 1 to 2 - RNS: Manuel to provide. Hiro to send him a note. Change status from 1 to 2 - ACS: Change status from 1 to 2. Mike to provide. - Basic Profile: Change status from 3 to 4 - Naming: Change status from 1 to 2 - Data Profile: No change; status at 0. - BEM: No change; status at 0 - Security profile: No change; status at 0 The Roadmap will be reviewed during the F2F * Next call - Next Monday: Basic profile or Profile definition. Hiro to confirm with Tom and Dave S. - Next Wednesday: Roadmap review if there is sufficient new material. Schedule the Roadmap review first since Jem cannot stay past the 1st hour mark. Also F2F preparation