OGSA Basic Profile minutes: Wednesday, 04/20/05 Attendees: Tom Maguire Takuya Mori Jem Treadwell Latha Srinivasan Dave Snelling 1. Latest draft of doc - v12 - up on GridForge 2. Tracker 1211: What must a service satisfy to be an OGSA service? Issue: borders on the political. We cannot perform validation and conformance testing. Profile: mechanism to claim conformance. Proposal: close tracker w/ no action because we have no way to test compliance in GGF. Jem's question from last week: Will GGF set up / hire someone to test compliance. Dave: Not sure. Funding questionable. Jem: Something about this may come up at GGF14. Dave: We need sponsorship for this activity. Tom: Sponsorship will be interesting. 3. Tracker 1223: Resolved. 4. Tracker 1225: Should be resolved. We need to do it. 5. Tracker 1233: Still pending. We are not going to use OGSA: RNSResolver. Action here is to describe a portType within BP namespace for RNSResolver and include it in the Appendix. The naming design team also should be looking into this. There has been no phone call yet on Naming. Needs to move to Resolved. 6. Tracker 1242: RP extensibility: Done. Tracker fixed. 7. Tracker 1245: Fixed. 8. Tracker 1249: Closed with no action. 9. Tracker 1250: Needs to be resolved. We need to add an appendix for the schema and have requirements refer to appendix. 10. Tracker 1251: Fixed 11. Tracker 1252: Closed, no action. Because SetResourceProperty is not in the profile. 12. Tracker 1314: Resolved. 13. Tracker 1321: Fixed. Added an appendix for keyInfo 14. Tracker 1322: Issue: short-lived certificates. Still pending. We need representation from Dane and others. Dave: BP should be free of details of any single approach to security mechanisms. **** AI for Tom: email Dane, Takuya, Sam etc. on this issue. **** 15. Tracker 1323: Takuya: still having internal discussions in Globus about this. There is a dependency on proxy cert. usage. (tracker 1322). : Pending **** AI for Tom: email about this **** 16. Tracker 1360: fixed 17. Tracker 1363: Still pending. Tom needs an email follow-up with Sam Meder. 18. Tracker 1367: Still pending. **** AI for Tom: email discussion about using ds namespace **** Resolved Trackers: 19. Tracker 1227: we should wait until WSRF and WSN sync up with last call version of WS-Addressing (should be their committee drafts). WSN is very close to getting to committee draft. Very few issues yet to be resolved in WS-BaseN. 20. 1228: Fixed. 21. 1231, 1232 and 1233: Resolved. 22. new tracker 1392 to take care of 1294: pending WSRF and WSN and WS-Addressing. **** AI: Need to add table of references to appendix **** to mention referenced specs. 23. Tracker 1320: requires action 24. Tracker 1365: Tom will take care of that. 25. Tracker 1366: still needs editor action 26. 1368: Takuya has sent some sections by email. **** AI: Tom to integrate 1368 and 1369 into document **** 27. Tracker Statistics: 16 in Resolved state. 1365: still open. need RPEs for basic discovery. 1365: Pending. **** AI: Tom will start an email discussion about 1365 **** 28. By the end of April, we should be able to take this doc to the OGSA-WG for comments. 29. Takuya: Tracker 1257: Still pending. **** AI: We need discussion for well formedness of serialization **** 30. Tom will present current status to the OGSA-WG. There will be a new version (Version 13) later today. Meeting adjourned at 2:58 pm.