OGSA Teleconference - 20 April 2005 =================================== * Participants Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Mark Morgan (UVa) Tom Maguire (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes of April 18 approved with no changes * May F2F update - Waiting for room reservation at IC - Many people have already said that they will be attending - More than 13 for the main meeting (Mon & Tue) - More than 11 for the Data (Thu) - Any hotel suggestions? The url sent last week has a lot of information (too many choices) - Andrew stayed at the "John Howard Hotel" last time. It was nice but there was no network connectivity. - Arranging to stay in the same hotel sounds like a good idea but there was no proposal on how to go about arranging it. - Arriving at Heathrow vs Gatwick: Probably no big difference. Heathrow might be more convenient (Heathrow Express). * Basic Profile update - Calls have been very productive; very good progress. - Many but not all artifacts fixed/closed. - Trying to close the rest this week or perhaps early next week. - Planning one more teleconf next week, same day, at the 1-3pm timeslot - There are 11 artifacts resolved: revisions not completed yet. - There are some 'Pending' state issues that need discussion. Have to get specific people on the call to make sure a proper discussion is done. - Remaining are 'fixed'; need people to check them and close them. - How to check 'fixed' better? - Ask people who will review doc to check? - From the BP team's perspective, 'fixed' may be good enough. The OGSA-WG will have to check the document anyway before going through with the submission. It might be a good place to do the 'Closed' transition then. Action: Tom, to help reviewers confirm changes, will cross-link each issue to the specific requirement statement using the 'Category' field. - Overall the document is in good state for GGF14 submission. Action: Tom to send a copy of the BP draft to Marty Humphrey and ask him to review it. * BES BoF update - Scheduled the first call tomorrow morning. Mail has been sent to both the BES BoF list and OGSA-WG list. - There is a revised agenda based on received feedback - Charter bashing is main topic (Is a Naming call being planned? Not yet. Andrew is in the process of contacting the people he has in mind for co-chairs. There is no GFSG tracker artifact for this proposed WG but GGF (Steve C) is aware of it.) * Roadmap document review - Hiro has submitted the issues from the last review (19 in total) Action: Andreas to set up Roadmap tracker in the same way as the BP tracker (same values for status) >(Done) - Jem volunteered to review the document afterwards and verify that the actions are done. - Reviewed by tracker item - "4.3 EM profile" comment: Agree with comment on the section title. Current contents are consistent. - For each section describing a Profile we should include a list of what the "Profile Template" document requires of each profile. The list will offer an indication on what the status of each profile is likely to be. - Agreed to add such a sub-section to each profile section in the Roadmap. - See "Appendix A" of the Profile Template for an example. - Does it address Dave's comment 1374? Probably but need to check. Action: Jay to make a better representation of the table in Appendix A of the Profile Template document. Action: Tom to update the Profile Template with the new version of the table. Action: Hiro to include a sub-section with such a table for each profile in the Roadmap document. - Section 4.3: Statement starting "If appropriate implementation ..." does not add anything. The real issue is the need for standards on resource modelling and resource access. And how resources are modelled in OGSA. This requirement should be stated to clarify why WSDM and WS-CIM are mentioned as possible candidates here. - (The above point triggered a long BES-related side-discussion and how things should tie together. WSRF vs other mechanisms, JSDL, does BES need to care about the resource modelling and how much does, etc. Andrew will do a short write-up to clarify the issues for this section and for BES and send it out for comment.) Action: Andreas will send out the URL to the latest JSDL specification and to a JSDL Introduction presentation. Action: Hiro will schedule the JSDL introduction presentation for next Monday's call (to start after the first hour mark). - Title revision: moved 'version 1.0' for clarity. - Section 1: forward reference to 'profiles' fixed. - Mark Linesch's comment on section 2.0: Decided to bring back old text and add the new text as extra explanation. - Footnote: deleted as obsolete. - Title of section 2: revised. - Conformance testing or tools: Not clear if GGF should be doing this. Something to discuss in the future perhaps; leave out for now. - "OGSA branding" controlled by GFSG: This section will be updated with the GFSG statement when it becomes available. Hiro has sent a draft of this section as a separate document to the GFSG. GGF is planning to obtain a TM and Service mark for OGSA. - Branding at different levels: WG and Document names - Compilant software and who can claim OGSA implementations - Decided to leave the text as a placeholder for now (might need some revision to change the tone) - Adjourned; the review to continue next week. * Next week calls - Monday: Profile template - Wednesday: Roadmap document