OGSA Basic Profile minutes: Wednesday, 04/13/05 Attendees: Tom Maguire Takuya Mori Jem Treadwell Latha Srinivasan Steven Newhouse 1. Expected completion date for initial draft: April 20, 2005 2. Takuya's text on security stuff has been incorporated into version 10 3. Trackers: a. 1223: pending b. 1225: still more work needs to be done (see page 5) c. A new tracker has been opened to fill in text for BaseN and BaseFaults in section 1.1 (# 1360) d. New tracker for notational conventions in section 1.3 (#1361) e. 1321 : pending 4. Section 2 -- conformance targets now reference WS-I BP 1.1 5. Section 3.1.2 : Policy is no longer applicable in WS-Addressing EPR, we will remove this section (done) This is tracker 1362 6. Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 are complete 7. Section 4.2.1 has been completed to reference the appropriate spec. [WSRF-RP] 8. Issue: Should we move to 2005/03 namespace version of WSRF-RF specs? Answer: no. We stay with the previous version (2004/11) 9.. Section 6.1 -- use of useNotify needs to be corrected 10. Section 4.4 -- tracker # 1258, we should tighten the link between prop. change notifications and implementation of NotificationProducer operations and properties. 1258 : still pending. Some additional comments to be added. 11. Section 5.2: mostly done. Resource Destruction Notification: new tracker #: 1363 (pending) 12. Section 5.3: New tracker to remove this section. Sam Meder wanted it, but we are not sure how to implement that. (tracker#: 1364 - done) 13. Section 6.1 BaseNotification refers to WSRF-Service Group (tracker #: 1365 - pending) 14. Section 6.1.1: A tracker for a message conformance requirement (# 1366) i.e should not contain useNotify. This section has been tightened up now. 15. Section 8.1.4: XML Signature sections updated to reference the correct sections in Basic Security Profile 1.0 16. Added a new section on requirements for keyInfo Exchange for Message Level Security - section 8.1.6. There's nothing in this section yet on Message Level Security 17. If a client is presented with an EPR with keyinfo in metadata, he has 2 choices: a. he has some out of band knowledge of the keyinfo b. he can't communicate with the sender 18. Takuya: We had a discussion about using ds:KeyInfo element at Argonne. A tracker (#1367) has been opened to understand the rationale for not using just the ds:KeyInfo element. 19. A new tracker needs to be opened up for Section 8.1.6 (more on the description). We need some additional INSTANCE and MESSAGE target requirements. New trackers: # 1368 and 1369 (assigned to Takuya - pending) 20. Section 4.3.1: need a couple of additional requirements. XPATH1.0 does not define serialization at all. We need a serialization structure to be defined. We need a mailing list discussion on the semantics of query. There is nothing defined within QueryResourcePropertiesResponse. Tracker #: 1257 21. New document will be posted right away. 22. Jem: Is there going to be an interop around this? Answer: no has discussed it.. spending the money to host it is probably the issue. Ask Dave Snelling / GFSG. At what point will folks have compliant implementations to use for the interop? Maybe not for a while. Any organization could volunteer to host it. We need some tooling to go with the profile to help test interop and conformance mechanisms. It may be timely for GFSG.