OGSA Teleconference - 13 April 2005 =================================== * Participants Jem Treadwell (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Kazushige Saga (NII) Mark Morgan (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Soonwook Hwang (NII) Dave Berry (NeSC) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) * No teleconference minutes available for approval * F2F update There is an EGEE meeting coinciding with OGSA F2F so some people have conflicts. This especially affects the Data team. The current thinking is to leave a day between the main F2F and the Data one; details not decided yet. The venue (LeSC) is still ok. Jem is still not sure he can make it. Andrew has said that he is not planning a naming discusion. Hiro to drop it from the agenda. BES-WG is still set to have a meeting on Sunday. * Roadmap document review - Agreed that "roadmap" is correct for now and will re-check after reviewing for content. - Proposal to change the formatting of the title. It gives the impression of being a roadmap for OGSA 1.0 which is not correct. It is version 1.0 of the Roadmap. - Top of p4: Introduces the term 'profile' but there is no definition. Either rewrite to remove this term or define what a profile is. ** Section 2 - OGSA 1.0 is called 'OGSA Requirements' but the name does not look right. To sidestep the problem of what to call it just use the published document's title. - "We distinguish..." rewrite to address the existing comment, e.g., "There are three critical areas...." - "Architectural process" footnote is misleading since the definition is in the text. Delete footnote. - Agreed to revisit section titles again offline. - Delete 'though' in the last sentence. ** Section 3 - Second paragraph last sentence: delete since it does not add anything to the text. - There was a proposal to add to text on whether conformance can be partial or not and what is recommended. Consensus on the call was that it does not seem right to have this text here. Might be in the Profile template document. - Some typos to be corrected. Jem to send revisions to Hiro. ** Section 4 - David S comment: Hiro to ask Dave S to rewrite the sentence. - Sec. 4.3.: OGSA-WG can not be writing this section. It is the responsibility of the GFSG to set these rules. It could be writen as a suggestion but it would not fit in a Roadmap. Ideally this text should be a separate (policy) document that is authored by the GFSG and referred to by this document. ** Section 5 - Describes the schedule: revise sentence in section 1 (top of p4) for consistency. - Maybe add a short description of each document in addition to the schedule - Question on whether to add all related specifications or just the ones that will be used in the profiles? Consenus was for all specifications. - But maybe provide different level of detail. For example, only provide additional explanation for specifications that are used in profiles. ** Section 6 - There is still no consensus on a Basic EM profile or its content. The text comes from the Dec'04 F2F. - WSDM has been published. - Acceptance into 2.0? WSDM and WS-CIM should be on separate list since they fall in a different category. - Add a security profile. ** Section 7 - Need to be more specific about what is being done to achieve this. In other words, be more concrete about the SDO effort and what OGSA-WG is doing. ** Section 8 - Similar to the comment for Section 7. Must be more concrete on what each project is doing, e.g., implementing which OGSA profiles or contributing how to OGSA. ** Section 9 (security) - If there is a security profile add some text here about it. ** Additional - Add a section on service description documents. - Dave S is listed as an author at the front but not at the back. Hiro to add Dave's details in the back section. - Add Glossary document in the References. - Andreas to create a tracker for this document. * Teleconference schedule Next Monday: Review of profile template Next Wednesday: Review of Roadmap document