Minutes of OGSA-WG telecon meeting Wednesday March 28th, 2005 ============================================================= Attendees: Hiro Kishimoto, Jem Treadwell, Andrew Grimshaw, Mark Morgan, Mike Behrens, Soonwook Hwang (NAREGI), Ian Foster, Steven Newhouse, Takuya Mori. Notes: Jem Treadwell Minutes of March 23rd Telecon ============================= Hiro pointed out that Dane Skow is the Security Area Director, not co-chair. Jem will update the minutes to correct this. [Done] With that comment, the minutes were approved. Mail from Mathias Dalheimer re forming a Resources Selection Services WG (28-March-2005, http://tinyurl.com/3udct). Andrew: At GGF13 EMS group meeting suggested that Mathias take the next step for this, but expected to see more discussion in OGSA - need to verify that he understands the process. Hiro agrees. But we do need to encourage. Andrew and Hiro to review the proposal with the OGSA architecture document, and invite Mathias and other interested parties to an OGSA call. Ian: agree; need to be careful to encourage but make sure that the work is appropriate. Andrew: May be a good idea to invite them to the London f2f - Hiro agrees. GGF13 Minutes ============= All GGF13 minutes have been uploaded, and were approved. Next F2F Meeting ================ The meeting is proposed to be held in London during the week of May 23rd. Hiro reported that 10 people have responded to the survey re attendee availability. Ian suggests considering a BES meeting at the same time - Steven thinks this is a good idea. May not be able to justify a full 2 days of OGSA. Could also do Naming. OGSA Basic Profile and Roadmap might be the key OGSA agenda items. Andrew: GFSG is working on a postining statement re OGSA, WSRF etc.; we need to get some clarity on what this means, as it could affect how we move forward. Ian and Hiro agree. Hiro: OGSA-WG needs to be involved in writing the message. Proposal: Hold a Basic Execution Services (BES) meeting on Sunday May 22, OGSA (including Naming) on Mon/Tue, and Data on Wed. Proposed location: Imperial College. Andrew to check Karl Czajkowski's availability, and will also send mail to Mathias Dalheimer. Telecon schedule ================ Basic Profile meetings will be held on Wednesdays, noon - 2pm Central Time, beginning March 30. Hiro to mail out dial-in info. Note that this week times are different for EU countries as Daylight Savings Time has started in Europe, but does not start until this weekend in the US. Once DST begins in the US the times for conference calls will stay the same in the US, but will be one hour earlier in Japan, which does not observe DST. Hiro will send out an updated conference call schedule. There are currently no topics for this Wednesday's regular call (5pm Central Time), so the call is canceled. However, Hiro and Andrew will use the time for an EGA feedback discussion (see GGF 13 notes); anyone else is welcome to join the discussion, using the normal dial-in number. Adjournment =========== The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 Central Time.