OGSA Teleconference - 24 January 2005 ===================================== * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Mark Morgan (UVa) Steve Newhouse (OMII) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * January 19 minutes approved with no changes * F2F update - Andrew is negotiating with the hotel (Westin). They are asking 600USD for a network connection to the conference room. Andrew will talk to them further and also check out the Hilton and some other airport hotels. - Steven Newhouse will be attending - Still waiting to hear if more Data people will be attending * GGF13 update - Room allocation: Agreed that with the exception of the "Outreach" session smaller rooms are better (~60 people). Hiro to reply to Stacey. - Discussed deliverables for GGF13: - Basic Profile - Publishing a draft looks feasible based on recent (and expected) progress - Roadmap document - Draft is the one produced before GGF12. It is about 4 pages. - Showed TOC at GGF12 but not discussed further. There has been no progress since GGF12. - Our original schedule calls for a final version of this document at GGF13. It looks unlikely. Followup/Volunteers: - Hiro will talk with Jay; Jay was willing to work on this in the past. - Jem might be able to work on this; but probably cannot put much time in before the F2F. - Profile Template document: - Agreed to keep this as a separate document and publish for GGF13 - Tom will talk with Dave S on what the next steps for that document. * OGSA v1 & Glossary - Andreas and Jem went through the last drafts, pointing out main changes. - It was agreed to change "initiate" back to "instantiate" in the EMS section and relevant Glossary entry. - If the CMM GFD number is not known this week then the documents will be submitted anyway with a note to the GGF Editor to update the bibliography entry for publication. - Jem and Andreas will respond to all public comments by Friday. - The final versions (with comments removed and all changes accepted) should be uploaded to the GGF Editor tracker by Friday 1/28. - No new comments expected; but if comments are received then they will probably be deferred for v2. - Ravi raised the SNIA glossary as an example and suggested publishing the OGSA Glossary as a booklet. - Andrew will raise the issue with the GFSG: Publish the whole series (Use Case, OGSA version 1.0, and Glossary) and distribute them at GGF13. * SNIA report - Ravi reported on the SNIA visit; a brief session of 2 hours. - Discussion on adoption of CIM and how to work with GGF, including discussion on how to partition space so as not to step on each other's toes. - EGA reps were also there; a couple of presentations with focus on data centers. Their focus is on how to take existing stuff and make them workable. In contrast the GGF focus is on new standards rather than implementations. * Next call - Basic profile discussion is probably ok - May not be ready for an EM profile discussion - Andrew and Ravi have some ideas (OMII, GT as examples); agreed to work independently (for now) and compare notes later on. - Perhaps an early draft by the F2F.