Jan 24th Conference Call Notes: Attendees: Hiro Kishimoto, Mark Linesch, Patrick Gannon, Vincent Franceschini, David Snelling, David Sidor, Jamie Clark, Mark Carlson, Winston Bumpus Discussion: Reviewed draft submissions from Winston on the Landscape and Jamie on the Taxonomy. Discussed need for "normalized" notion of "Standards LifeCycle" and "Layered Approach using OSI Model". Also discussed utilizing one of several "functional models" already in use within management community. Agreed that Jamie and Winston would collaborte to develop a stawman template that would be populated with test cases and discussed at next SDO con-call. Also agree to hold f2f in Chicago on Feb 17th. Actions: 1. Jamie and Winston: collaborate and develop template based on (1) Simplified Standards Lifecycle (2) OSI Model (3) Metadata information required. Template will be sent to all SDO organizations by Friday Jan 28th. Each SDO to populate template with several test case standards and send back to Winston for integration and review on next con-call (Feb 7th). 2. Mark: develop agenda for Feb 17th face-to-face for discussion at Feb 7th con-call 3. Hiro: set up next con-call for Feb 7th (8:00 AM CST) and proceed on securing meeting logistics for Feb 17th f2f. Thanks to everyone for their efforts and if I forgot anything, let me know! Mark Mark Linesch l Chairman, Global Grid Forum (GGF) l Hewlett Packard mark.linesch@hp.com l linesch@ggf.org l 281-514-0322 Tel l 281-414-7082 Cell