OGSA Teleconference - January 12, 2005 ====================================== * Participants Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Bill Horn (IBM) Mark Morgan (UVa) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jeffrin J. Von Reich (HP) Apologies: Fred Maciel, Ravi Subramaniam, Hiro Kishimoto, Dave Snelling, Andrew Grimshaw Minutes: Andreas Savva * Jan 10 minutes approval postponed for next call * OGSA Version 1.0 and Glossary status Discussed status and process to finalization: OGSA version 1.0 still has an incompletely updated EMS section. The Glossary may be affected by this update. It was agreed that this review was final for the other parts of the two documents and that a subsequent (partial) review should be done just for the updated text. Subsequent reviews to be done by email: to the list and to each person mentioned on the Authors list. Target submission is as soon as possible and definitely within January. The OGSA version 1.0 and Glossary are to be submitted to the Editor together. Their submission will also be coordinated with the CMM document submission, in so far as determining and using the final GFD numbers in the citations. ** Glossary Document walkthrough of draft 8 (not on gridforge yet) Jem has accepted all changes from previous edits. Changes showing are those from Hiro and from some comments from Olegario. - Some additions of terms for consistency and also to put definitions against the shorter entry. - Naming update: deleted 'uniquely' from the general definition (ref: Andrew's mail) - Deferred discussion around 'task' until the EMS section is finalized. - Agreed to remove 'lightweight' from the SOAP definition - Agreed to remove initial sentence from 'Security considerations.' It is not a valid reason for security considerations not being applicable. - To update the GFD for the CMM document (when known) Jem will upload a new draft to gridforge and wait for the final version of the OGSA document. ** OGSA version 1.0 Document walkthrough of draft 21 (from gridforge) Changes are relative to the version submitted for public comment. (And will be accepted for the next draft.) - Abstract updated to be more specific on what the document covers. - Copyright and IPR statement moved to the back - Added Glossary mention as well as Glossary section pointing to the Glossary document. - Changed the statement about the next version being a recommendation to more general statement about recommendation documents (to reflect current consensus). - Discussed Ian's comment about defining virtualization further. Agreed that it is not necessary to go in more detail at the moment (not beyond what's in this document and the Glossary) - To update the copyright notice: 2002-2005 - Lighter color scheme for Figures 1-3 is better but some text is still difficult to read. Agreed to review figures for legibility once more and make sure the text is clearly visible. - Agreed to change "SOAP as the primary transport" to "SOAP as the primary message exchange format" in infrastructure services. - Agreed to change the examples after the "unit of work to be managed" in EMS to specifically state "OGSA application or legacy." (And will revisit this section for a final review) - Discussed 'job is a resource' statement and agreed that some clarification is necessary; re-arranging text to put this statement to the end of the paragraph might be clearer. - Need to revisit spelling once more to make sure it is only US spelling as agreed in previous reviews (some words still remain). - CIM/WBEM is ok as is (even though it should really be just WBEM). - Naming udner Information services is not updated yet. Andreas to update according to Andrew's email. - References: [OGSA RM] bookmark seems broken. Andreas to update. Andreas will upload a new (hopefully final) version and mail authors and the list for a final review.