OGSA Teleconference 1 December 2004 =================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Steve Newhouse (OMII) Mark Morgan (UVa) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Bill Horn (IBM) Dave Berry (NeSC) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) * OGSA F2F #9 update - Hiro to add dial in information to the agenda - Hiro to add Steve Newhouse to the participants list - Latha cannot make this meeting - Fred probably cannot make Dec.8 - Andrew might not be able to make Dec.8 - Ian and Steve Tuecke cannot make Dec.10 - OGSA v2 process discussion planned for Thursday (Dec 9) so that Andrew, Ian, and Steve Tuecke can take part. - Naming/GFS discussion should be Dec.9 too - Swapping certain sessions might be possible during the agenda bashing session - Proposal by Mike to discuss "data distribution" topic; (Note that this topic has already been discussed especially in Data but perhaps not highlighted so much.) - Officially the F2F is scheduled until Dec.10 noon. The room is reserved all day, however. - No session scheduled for forging closer links between design teams - Process discussion is planned under OGSA v2 process session, but no technical session is planned at the moment. (Depends on the conclusions of the process discussion.) - Broader goal of the F2F (overall theme) - How to move more rapidly on OGSA v2. In particular how to satisfy the community's need for something that is more implementable.In other words, normative guidance on OGSA is needed and soon. - How design teams relate to each other and to other WGs (within and without). - But also technical discussion on certain topics such as EMS, Data, Naming. * Survey review - Did a review of the survey template - In particular clarified IPR (normal GGF rules apply) and also that anonymous submissions are possible (but deprecated). - Survey changed to ticking entries in tables from previous more verbose format. Agreed that this is an improvement. - The plan is to review whatever answers are received at the F2F. The surveys are intended as input to the OGSA v2 discussion, and in particular on setting priorities. - Agreed to add some text that the survey results are not binding or sometimes not even necessarily the official position of the project being described. It is acceptable for an outside observer to report on a project of interest. - Suggested re-doing tables so that they can be mapped to the figures more quickly (provide high-medium-low column, etc. - Question on grid application inclusion: - Even if an application holder is not working on OGSA, he could still be a stakeholder and provide some input on what functionality is neeeded from the platform. - Input to ogsa - A table and provide short 2-3 line input - Re-considered the term 'party' but could not come up with a really good substitute. - Candidates: project, activity, ... - Solicited volunteers to complete surveys - The surveys do not have to be completely finished by the F2F. - OMII survey by Steve Newhouse. Steve also hinted towards a broader survey of UK projects at a later time; perhaps by GGF13 - Dave B on behalf of UK e-Science Center. Some concern that the center may not be at the right level of granularity. - Probably better to do separate ones the various projects, at a later time. - Jay for an IBM survey (will try to ask someone to do it) - To cover one or more of the Grid activities: Autonomic, Websphere, Tivoli, and so on - Hiro/Andreas for Business Grid, Fujitsu - Dave S: NextGrid - Jem : HP (maybe) - Also NaReGi (Saga), Globus (Ian) and a few others. - Action: Hiro to do another revision of template and send it out in a separate email. Make sure the template is an attachment to make it easier for people working offline. * OGSA version 1.0 public comment review [Followed with public comment review. Numbers correspond to excel sheet row numbers] - [28] Usage information: Agreed that it is somewhat misleading. Change to "data" or "metric" - Settled for "...resource usage (e.g., consumption) data..." - [29] Agreed with comment; rewrite - [30] Leave as is; 'flexible' is the right meaning - 'improved' is relative to the the previous sentence; Change to 'optimize' if it is not meant as a relative statement - [31] check with submitter; revised to remove the 'requirements' from QoS since it might be the cause of the confusion. - [32] Leave as is - [33] Revised paragraph and removed 'client' * Glossary status review - Glossary is further along; nearly done. - Andreas has some pending actions (reminder) - Jem to do a revision and upload by F2F - Discussion on definition of provisioning; definition seems more precise than what we have in the document (but probably not too much more). Consensus on the call is to include the proposed text.